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Hey fam I made an instagram:  imma.yeet.myself.off.a.bridge. I know you can message people from here but I wanted to make something where I can connect with my followers more I guess?? It's not really DEH based or anything like that, but all the positive feedback from this fic has made me more confident in my writing so maybe making an instagram account can help me be more confident in expressing myself?? Idk. I literally haven't even followed anybody yet or even posted anything just somewhere I can talk to you guys :) (and that I hope no one I know irl finds lmao) So yeah that's that, here's the chapter-

"Dear Evan Hansen, today is going to be a good day because you're you, and that's all that matters. Just calmly explain to Zoe the situation. She'll understand- She always does. Even if she doesn't now, she will later. If you can just think about what you're saying and avoid any hurt feelings, it's all going to be okay."

I shut my computer and get off my bed, going through my daily routine, as usual. Letter, clothes, food, bathroom stuff, get ready.

I open my closet door and find my work clothes, which is just a dark blue button up shirt with black jeans. I throw them on, not really caring about how it looked right now. I'll worry about that later. Letter, clothes, food, bathroom stuff, get ready.

I walk to the kitchen, rubbing my face a little bit to get the sleep out. I get to the pantry and get out a box of Frosted Flakes. I don't really eat anything besides cereal in the morning, if I even eat. Letter, clothes, food, bathroom-

"Mornin' Evan! What are you doing up so early?" I hear Mom say, and I see her standing in the kitchen entry way, in her own work uniform.

"Oh, uh, I'm meeting up with Zoe before work. I got to um, talk... about stuff."

"Oooh what kind of stuff?" She says like a gossip-powered high school girl as she walks over to the coffee machine.

"It's nothing, really."

"Spill the tea."

"No you're not allowed to say that."

"You can't stop me."

"Mom, no." I laugh, turn back to my cereal making. I can feel her staring at me, so I just give in.

"Well, Zoe told me yesterday that she wanted to get back together... and I'm going to tell her no."

Mom stops making her coffee. "No?"

"Yeah. I don't really know why. I just feel like we shouldn't, you know?" I look at her helplessly. She thinks for a second then continues pouring a cup of coffee.

"Listen to your gut. If your gut says you shouldn't, then you shouldn't, right?" I look down at my Frosted Flakes.

"Yeah, yeah I guess so."

I look back up at her and she was smiling. I smile back. That makes me feel a little bit better.

Mom takes a sip of her coffee then says to herself: "so it's not Zoe..."

"What's not Zoe?" I ask.

She looks up from her mug, surprised.

"Did I say that out loud?"


"Uh, don't worry about it." She tries to hurry out of the kitchen like it never happened.

"Wait no now you have to tell me."

"Ugh," she says dramatically and turns back to face me. "It's just, I've been noticing things, and I can just tell..."

"Tell what?"

I Missed You-  Kleinsen (deh)Where stories live. Discover now