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Today's a beautiful day. It's sunny. Neighboring kids are playing in their yards. I should go outside and enjoy myself all day. Maybe do something productive, like go to the store and buy stuff to prepare for my classes in the not too distant future, or do chores for mom while she's at work.

But no. I'm currently hiding in my bathroom having a slight panic attack because my dumbass got drunk last night and kissed my best friend. And I just so happen to remember every single second of it, and he doesn't. 

Yep. Life is great, isn't it?

Jared has made fun of me before for "being flirty" when I've been drinking, but I never realized how confident I get. Like literally every single bit of anxiety just gets absorbed by the alcohol or something. Maybe I should try that sometime, so I don't end up making a fool of myself and regretting simple socialization for the rest of my life. Wait, no. That's how you become an alcoholic. Damn.

I was just flirting to tease him. Just that. It's kind of Jareds thing to tease someone or to make them uncomfortable just to laugh at their reactions from it, so it's fun to turn the tables on him. Drunk me especially thought so. I was just going to embarrass him, laugh at him try to defend himself, and then make fun of him when he got grumpy about it. That's it. Boom. End of story.

But no, that didn't happen.

Jared knew his own game too well, and he said something stupid to make me uncomfortable so I'd stop embarrassing him. Like no, I do not want to think about two of my friends having sex upstairs, why would you say that you absolute weirdo. (And I know they weren't, but still, come on man). So he laughed at me and I laughed with him. What else was I supposed to do?

And then he just looked at me, and I don't know why, but the way he looked at me made me feel... special? I don't really know how to describe it. It sounds cheesy, I know. How can someone look at you and make you feel all nice?

And so I kissed him. Like yeah, that's a logical thing to do. Definitely.  

But then he kissed me back. So he wasn't thinking straight either. Damn, we were drunk.

It went on for a while. I vaguely remember hearing a door upstairs slam shut in the middle of it, but I don't think it had to do with anything. 

I don't remember anything that happened after that. I just kinda blacked out, I guess. I'm honestly glad for that part, though, because it was probably extremely awkward.

I just remember us kissing, then waking up with a really bad headache. 

He tried to make me drink this "hangover cure," but it tasted like he was just trying to be a dick and make me throw up. It was very gross.

I knew for a fact he didn't remember anything. He never did when he drinks. He'd always just kinda text me in the morning to ask what happened and laugh at the weird food craving he had. Then I would tell him he had to pay me back for making me buy him said food, but he never did.

But when he asked how my "first ever frat party" had been, I panicked. What if he wanted to know what happened? I couldn't tell him what actually happened. And I'm way too awkward to gloss over it, so he would get suspicious and keep asking questions.

So I just lied and said, "I uh, don't really remember anything. So." That was already awkward in itself, but oh well, it's bound to happen. I mean, I did randomly kiss him. 

"Heh, neither do I." He replied, confirming what I already knew. 

"Oh, okay." I decided I was going to stop talking now, it was getting more awkward by the second. I think he noticed, too, but didn't say anything about it.

We cleaned up his house. I went home. I threw up as soon as I got home because driving with a hangover is not a very fun experience. Then I locked myself in the bathroom cause what the actually fuck did I just do?

Mom was at work, so I didn't really need to lock the door, but just in case a robber just decided to break-in, he wouldn't have to see me hyperventilating because I drunkenly kissed Jared. 

Jared doesn't remember the kiss. He doesn't know anything weird happened. And there was no way I was ever going to tell him about it. So everything was good, right? Nope. It still happened. There's a chance he could somehow find out. And I know I'm going to be hella awkward around him for a while. We stopped being awkward around each other, and now it's going to start back up again. 

Why do I have to be this way?


This chapter was hella short but maybe I'll post the next one soon to make up for it ;)

Also, I'm like 8 away from having 2k reads? The fuck? Thank you so much???

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story

Sincerely, your favorite person with baby hands,


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