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part 2 or whatever

My teacher threw a clock at me today. That's fun.

Also when writing this chapter and the last one I totally forgot that I already wrote a chapter about Alana's house and made absolutely no mention of her roommate before but we'll just pretend that I did ok? Alright.

Not long after the drinks were handed out Jared ordered pizza. As we waited for the pizza guy to arrive, we started snacking on the food that was already there- which was mostly just chips and the dip Evan made.

"Holy shit," Alana said out of nowhere, "I just realized that you guys are starting college like, soon. Soon-soon." Across the room, I see Evan shutter out a nervous breath and a very annoyed looking Jared roll his eyes.

"Yeah, I guess," Evan says, kinda embarrassed.

"Maybe you two will turn out like me, a total nerd in high school then as soon as you hit college be the coolest one on campus," Alana awkwardly points at us with finger guns.

"And that was by far the lamest thing I've ever heard you say." Evan laughs.

"Trust me, it gets lamer," Jared says, still annoyed for whatever reason.

"God, don't remind me about college," I say, ignoring them. "I have to worry about moving."

"Nooooo! You can't move!" Alana whines, flopping back into the chair dramatically. I'm guessing she totally forgot that my college is not the one she and Evan are going to.

"Wait, you're moving?" Jared asks, even though he visibly wants this conversation to end.

"Oh yeah. New York City, right?" Evan joins in. Well, at least he remembers, Alana.

I nod and say, "Yeah, but it's not that far away."

"Yes it is! You'll be a million miles from here!" Alana complains.

"It's just an hour and a half drive."

"That's a million miles!"

We all laugh, besides Alana, who's pouting.

"When all your friends leave you," Jared says jokingly, taking a swig of his drink.

"Oh shut up Jared." Alana sits up, totally leaving behind her pouty act. Jared scoffs and she adds, "Evan, I hope you know the only reason he hates college is that he won't get to see you anymore." Jared makes a confused face, but Evan just giggles.

"Aw, are you going to miss me?" Jared frowns and crosses his arms.

"No..." Evan raises an eyebrow, smirking a little.

"Don't lie, Jared," I say knowingly. Me and Alana make eye contact, and she winks at me.

"Okay maybe," he mumbles, "but that's not the only reason."

"Yeah, okay doofus. What're the other reasons then?" Alana asks. Jared stares at nothing for a second, thinking. Evan snorts a little when he doesn't say anything.

"Okay, maybe I don't have another reason! But what's the problem with that? Is it so bad that I'm a little upset about not getting to see my friends very often?" He asked defensively, but I can tell he was mostly joking.

"What about your other friends? From camp?" Evan asked.

"We've already talked about this, those friends are nonexistent."

I Missed You-  Kleinsen (deh)Where stories live. Discover now