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OOooO plot twist

Thing you prob wanna know for this chapter:
•I don't know how nurses work I'm just guessing
•since we don't know Mr. Here's first name I'm just using the name if the original actor
•we're pretending DEH takes place in New Jersey like BMC does
And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming-

"Whatever you say, honey. Just know, you can talk to me about anything."


I'm usually the kind of mom that doesn't like to snoop around in my kid's business, but this is far more important than literally anything ever. My baby's in love!

I had the same conversation with my mom when I was seventeen. Duke Jones- damn he was hot, he was on the football team, too. He was in English with me my junior year. He would always sit next to me and we did a few projects together (now that I think about, he probably just did that cause I was one of the few people who actually paid attention in that class). So of course, being a normal teenage girl, I fell dramatically in love. My mom poked and pried until I gave in and told her all about Duke, smiling at me knowingly.

Of course, a teen girl having a crush is far more recognizable than a guy, but I guess I just have very strong mom powers or something, because I noticed it real quick.

It started around the beginning of July, I think. He would be all smiley and when I mentioned it he would just shrug me off. I noticed him being on his phone a lot more, texting people, which was definitely new. Then he actually got out of the house, and socialized.

So yeah, this is a big fucking deal.

My poor Evan, after everything that happened in the last year or so, I don't think he made any friends, or even really talked to other people besides me and his coworkers. I kept trying to get him to join a club or something. It never worked out, though. He just went on with life, surviving.

But now, he's got someone close to him, so now he doesn't just have to survive. And I just need to find out who it is.

"You okay, Heidi?" Someone says, breaking me out of my trance. I look up to see one of my co-workers, Charlotte, staring at me.

"Oh, yeah. Just thinking."

I was in the lab, the room where we take blood and other tests. I was getting supplies situated for the day, making sure everything's in order. Charlotte was in the other side of the small room, looking through the paperwork of the patients who were supposed to come in today.

"'Bout what?" She questioned, not really paying that much attention and just trying to get a conversation going.

"Oh, just Evan," I replied.

"It always is, isn't it?"

"Well, who else am I supposed to think about?" I laugh and go back to my work. She laughs, too, and we fall into a semi-comfortable silence.

Not that long into it, though, I ask: "you have two girls, right?"

"Yep. Emily and Hannah."

"How did you feel when they they started dating people?" Charlotte stoped and looked up at me.

"Is Evan dating someone?"

"No, no. I'm just wondering."

"Well," She says, thinking a little. "Hannah hasn't dated anyone yet. She's still in the stage of thinking that boys are gross and love is stupid. But Emily has been dating boys since the 5th grade. At first I knew it was just puppy love, but as she got older I had to have talks with her, lay down some rules. But, you know, I did the same thing when I was her age, and I know it's good for her to have experience."

I Missed You-  Kleinsen (deh)Where stories live. Discover now