Chapter 34

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As we reach further towards the car Xander turns towards the reporter that asked the last question and says, "I have no comment to make on the divorce but I can tell you Natalia is the one person who is worth more than my fortune." I'm once again amazed at how calm he answered the question and confessed his feelings in front of a dozen reporters. 

Before the reporters can ask anything else we take that opportunity to quickly slip into the car. I turn towards Xander after I get my seatbelt on.

"What?" He asks. He's so clueless at times.

"Nothing," I say with a smile.

"No, what is it?" Xanders asks again.

"I just admire the way you spoke to that reporter," I confess. 

"That reporter was saying nonsense, Natalia. What I said to the reporter is true and I mean it." He says and I feel my cheeks flush.

"True," I say and just before I say anything else I feel Xander's phone vibrate. Xander checks to see who it is and from the home screen, I can tell it's his mother. Xander hits the decline button on his phone and turns back towards me.

"Have you talked to your mother recently?" I ask. I know while he was in the hospital he was visited by his parents. As far as I knew Xander didn't call anyone other than Alizah or Nick since he was discharged from the hospital.

"I don't want to talk about it." He says but I press on.

"Xander-" I begin.

"-No Natalia," Xanders says with a warning edge in his tone.

"Elaine is your mother." I remind him.

"She is my stepmother." He says.

"She's still your mother and she cares for you." I know it's true because she was almost always there to visit Xander whenever I needed to go back to the apartment to change or grab food.

"Natalia, I'm not going to forgive her or my father for pushing my marriage to Olivia and I really don't want to talk about it any further." I know he doesn't want to talk about it but I really hope he can patch things up with his parents. His mother is such a sweet and understanding woman. She deserves some forgiveness, after all, she helped raise him and Alizah at the most critical time in their youth.

"You're not going to let this go?" He asks when he notices my long silence.

"No, but I don't want to argue right now. All I care right now is that the divorce is done and we don't have to worry anymore, just please sort out your differences with your parents." I urge. I'm glad that I can finally have him to myself and call him mine.

"Fine," He says to my relief and we continue the car ride back to the penthouse without any arguments.

The following day, Xander is allowed to go back to work after a month-long recovery.

"You must have a lot of work to handle," I say while I fix his tie. 

"Yes, but I think most of it was taken care of." It's true that I got most of his work done on purpose. I didn't want him to be stressed on his first day back and part of me wanted him to stay home but I knew better.

We both walk outside by the front entrance to wait for Xander's driver to pull up. 

"I'll see you at five?" I ask. Just a couple of days ago I decided to go back to work and Trina was more than happy to have me back. It was hard to get back at first but I was able to settle back into an old routine.

"Yes, I will." He says before he quickly kisses my lips.

"Good you better not be late." I remind him.

"I won't be. I Love you." He says kissing my temples.

"Love you too," I say back as he walks out towards the sidewalk. Suddenly I see a car speed up heading towards Xander. Without thinking I pull Xander away from the street. I don't know how I have the strength to get him away from the speeding car but I somehow do. 

Xander looks at me in confusion and I feel my heart race.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, And you?" He asks.

"I'm fine." I manage to say while trying to get my breathing under control.

"What the hell was with that car?" Xander asks and I have no answer to his question.

"I don't know, but we may need to get some security," I suggest. I've been wanting to suggest the idea to Xander ever since his accident but I never had the chance to.

"Don't worry about it, Natalia," Xanders says softly.

"How can I? You were almost hit! Don't forget that the police have said that your accident was planned." I explain.

"It could just be a coincidence." He says ignoring my fear.

"I don't think it could be. I think someone is trying to intentionally try to hurt you." It may be my fear talking but I have a feeling that it must be connected somehow.

"We don't know that and I wouldn't know who would do it." He confesses.

"Just please consider hiring some security for yourself and for my sake." I urge.

"Fine, I'll ask for some bodyguards." He says.

"Thank you," I say with relief.

"Anything for you." He says.

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