Chapter Twenty

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February 12th, 1943
Hospital - Maternity Unit
Early Morning

Note- I know the date doesn't match the time frame of the movies or comics but it's gonna have to if this book will work out. Also sorry for not updating, I honestly don't have a real excuse lmao

"Captain Rogers, you cannot go in there!" A young, brunette nurse cries while jumping in front of Steve Rogers himself. Steve was still in uniform, he'd been woken up quite early by an officer that sent him straight home when news of Jean going into labor had reached the camp. 

Steve had raised hell to try and get there in time and he couldn't help the flare of annoyance that sprouted in his chest. His wife was in labor and they weren't letting him past the doors! He deserved to be there, he was the father!

"What's going on?" Steve politely questions despite his anger. "Why can't I see her?"

"There's been some...complications." The nurse slowly explains. "I'm so sorry-"

"Be quiet Ms. Mason." A doctor scolds while walking past her 'barrier'. "Mr. Rogers, please, listen to me. I do know what I'm talking about." 

Steve watches the nurse scrunch her nose up in disgust for a few seconds before her face goes back to normal, a forced smile finding its way to her expression. She takes a few steps back, moving towards the desk where the other nurses waited, before turning to a colleague to start a conversation. 

Quickly, Steve snaps his attention back to the egotistical doctor that was talking his ear off about what was happening with his wife, all things he could not comprehend. This man was using large words, talking about something going wrong, and Steve had no idea what in the hell it was. All he could understand was that there were 'complications' with the delivery. Nothing else made any sense. 

Eventually, the doctor stops speaking and lays a hand on Steve's shoulder in an attempt to show some sign of sympathy before walking back towards the hallway where all the patients were kept. Steve stands there for a few moments, his mind racing. What had happened?

The nurse, who had been called Ms. Mason, slowly moves back towards Steve with tentative steps. "I'm really sorry, Mr. Rogers." 

"I...what is going on?" Steve questions while crossing his arms. "Is something happening?"

"You didn't hear the doctor?" She questions while slowly turning back towards the direction that the doctor had left. "I could go get him back, I'm sure he'd be happy to help-"

"No, no." Steve interrupts while swallowing the lump in his throat. "I'd like to hear it from you if you don't mind." 

Present Time
Same Room - SHIELD Base

"A safe house? Seriously?"Daisy questions while crossing her arms. "You're going to trust some building in the middle of nowhere in hopes that it will keep your daughter safe from some SHIELD agent that is super old?"

"Way to sugar coat it, Daisy." Emma scoffs.

"From experience, safe houses in the middle of the woods are crap." She scoffs. 

"What else am I supposed to do?" Steve questions, trying to bring the topic back. "Leave Emma here? Hope that Jean doesn't find a way to take her from me? I've already lost her for seventy years, I'm not doing it again."

"And you won't, Steve," Natasha replies while placing a comforting hand on the Captain's shoulder. Emma purses her lips in thought. From where she stood a few inches behind the main group, she had a perfect view of the outside. 

Did that compare to Jean? She could be standing just outside, giving her access to everything. Maybe there was a mole, that's how she saw everything. Someone was reporting to her, or it was just Jean herself. No one had seen her in years, she could've changed her entire appearance.

"I know that face," Tony announces, causing everyone that was left in the room to turn towards Emma, who was half paying attention to them. "She's onto something." 

"Huh?" Peter questions in confusion. 

"It's the same face Cap makes when he's figured something out, usually something to do with modern technology but who's counting?" Tony jokes. "So, kid, what have you got for us?"

"I don't think we have enough time to run, even if we wanted to." Emma finally admits. "I think she's already here." 

"At least she got my intelligence." A female voice laughs from the corner of the room. Everyone whips around to see a middle-aged, blonde woman leaning against the wall. Her eyes were bright with joy and youth, yet the rest of her body looked different. It seemed she was the pure image of evil, everywhere but her eyes. Which were the same color as Emma's, a deep ocean blue with a tint of green near the pupils. They sparkled in the light and laughed along with her, it seemed that was the only thing Emma could focus on as her world started to crumble. 

It wasn't some crude prank, her mother was really still alive. She was standing right in front of Emma, well in front of a large group of people that stood in front of Emma but close enough. Jean pushes herself off of the wall, her leather suit not making a sound, and places her hands on her hips as her eyes surveyed the room. 

Finally, they stop on Steve, who was moving closer to Emma, with a mischevious smile. "Hi honey, have you missed me?"

"You're supposed to be dead." Steve hisses. "I mourned you! I had to raise our daughter without you! I went to your funeral with our one-week-old child!"

"I think you've established that I died." Jean rolls her eyes before placing her smile back on her face. "If you're not going to be civil about this, Steven, then I'm just going to get to the point. You're right, you did raise our daughter, which means it's my turn. Hand her over." 

"Over my dead body." Steve instantly replies.

"Well, that can be arranged, she's already lived without you for the past few years." Jean laughs. "Just don't say I didn't warn you, no one is making it out of this room alive. Besides me and my precious Emma, of course." 

"You're going to kill everyone?!" Emma cries. 

"Yes, honey, you have to cut your ties with the people here." Jean sighs. "It'll be a great start to your origin story." 

"My origin story?!" Emma shouts while taking a small step back. She bumps into Peter by accident, not realizing that he'd moved closer as well. He steadies her as her mind begins to swirl. Jean wasn't kidding, she was planning to kill every single person in this room if it meant getting what she wanted.

Doors burst off their hinges, men and women, dressed in black, crawl from every crevice of the room. Their weapons were charged and aimed at a different person in the room, there was enough to have at least two guns per person. 

Jean wasn't kidding.

She was going to go through with it. 

The blood would be on Emma's hands if she didn't do anything.

All at once, the weapons begin to charge together. A scream rises in Emma's throat as everyone begins to huddle closer to one another, these weren't ordinary guns and there was no way to stop them without their own weapons.

"Stop!" Emma screams while breaking free from the group. Now, she was face to face with her mother. No one to stand in the way, no one to save her, no one to stop her. "Let them live, all of them, and I will go with you. I'll leave right now, without turning back, if you let everyone go."

"Emma no!" Steve shouts but Bucky and Clint grab his arms to keep him from rushing forward and getting himself killed. 

"I will go with you, I won't fight," Emma repeats. "Just please, let them go." 

Jean raises her hand in the air and the weapons around the room fall silent. She raises her eyebrow as she stares back at Emma, looking for her to falter. Eventually, she realizes that Emma wasn't lying about this, she was being genuine about her concern for everyone in that room. 

"I'll let them live, for now." Jean bargains. "But don't worry, dear, you won't be thinking this way soon enough." 

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