Chapter Fifteen

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"I'm fine, I'm fine!" Emma screams while pushing away the hands that all seemed to come out of nowhere. Instead of ripping off the oxygen mask and different wires hooked up to her body, Emma uses her strength to sit up and glare at the few people that surrounded her. "I said I'm fine." 

"You passed out on the field." Fury scoffs. "You are not fine." 

"Yes, I am," She scoffs back. "I left the mask and all the other crap on."

"That doesn't mean anything." Fury grumbles while crossing his arms in protest. 

Jemma walks into the room with her nose deep in a tablet, her eyes scanning the device with so much interest that she doesn't even greet anyone in the room. Coulson sits up straighter, waiting for her to give the announcement that Emma was actually okay. 

"Simmons." Coulson coughs, grabbing the attention of the young blonde.

"Oh! Sorry, I was just studying a few things." Jemma chuckles while dropping the tablet to her side. "She's fine, just needed some rest because she pushed her body. I would like to offer some training to be able to further Emma's strength."

"I'm in." Emma shrugs. "Shall we go tomorrow?"

"No!" Fury shouts. "You are on a mandatory break till next week!"

"Next week?!" Emma cries. "What if there's another threat between then!" 

"We will assess the problem and decide if you are needed." Fury glares at her. "Then and only then will you go to the field, you are back with SHIELD now and that means we decide when you're needed." 

"Then I'm out!" Emma cries while ripping off the mask and cords that were connected to her. She stands, swaying slightly, before Emma marches towards the door. "And I will stay out until you change your damn mind!"

"You walk out that door, I swear to god I'll knock you out!" Fury threatens while pointing towards her. 

"What's going on here?" Steve questions from the door, causing Emma to jump away out of fear. She trips on her own feet and crashes to the ground with a loud 'oof'. 

"Ouch," Emma grumbles while rubbing her ass. 

"Thank you, Rogers." Fury smiles and gestures to him. "Emma, get back in the bed."

"Nick, bite me." She retaliates. 

"Again, what's going on here?" Steve repeats. 

"They're fighting, they always fight." Coulson rolls his eyes as Emma forces her body to stand again, despite the scream of her muscles.

"Emma, I'm not kidding." Fury warns as he too stands. 

"Do you really want to do this again?" Emma inquires while crossing her arms over her chest. "Cause I will disappear in the vents for a few hours so you can cool your jets." 

"How about I take away all missions, then?" Fury threatens. "Have you on desk duty!" 

"How about I walk out that door and disappear for a year or two, then?" Emma retaliates in the same tone. "I can do this all day, Nick." 

Steve opens his mouth but quickly closes it as he stares at Nick Fury and Emma, switching his gaze between the two of them. Yes, he was her father but did he really have a right to say something right now? She was right, he left her (though not by choice) and she grew up without him. Did Steve really get to say something about her attitude and Fury's threats?

"Alright!" Fitz's voice cuts through the room. Steve shakes his head to focus again, apparently, the fighting had resumed while he had been lost in thought. He tips his head to the side and sees Bucky standing a few feet away from him, instantly, Steve's shoulders stiffen up. He couldn't get the words that Bucky had told him out of his head. "I will take Emma for the rest of the day, you all can figure out what you need to, and we'll all come back tomorrow when we're not all riled up about this. Got it?"

"I don't need a babysitter." Emma gruffs under her breath.

"Fine!" Fury throws his hands in the air. "But no missions, you hear me? She doesn't step out of this base for any reason."

"Of course, sir." Fitz nods before he puts his hand on Emma's shoulder and quickly leads her out of the room before anyone could change their minds.

"Rogers? What's going on with you?" Fury demands while rubbing his temples. "You look like you're about to pass out too."

"I uh..." Steve licks his lips, his throat suddenly going dry. Eventually, everyone in the room is looking at him, waiting for some sort of answer. 

"They're probably going to the training room." Jemma finally announces. "Fitz was the one who came up with the training program and we have another inhuman friend named Daisy that could help Emma." 

"O-okay." Steve clears his throat before he turns on his heel and walks away from the lab, his head spinning. Bucky doesn't follow for a few seconds, his eyes watching his best friend's back as Steve continued to try and wrap his head around the concept of being a father again. 

"I told him." Bucky states after a few beats of silence, he doesn't tear his gaze away from Steve but he knew the others were looking at him now. "I told him what Hydra said to Emma, how they treated her." 

"That's why he looks like he's going to pass out." Fury grumbles under his breath. "Do me a favor Barnes, and find Maximoff. She should be there to help defuse any situation and assist Emma in developing her powers."

"Yeah, I can do that." Bucky mumbles. He looks at Steve one last time before turning to walk in the opposite direction. Bucky couldn't get the look that Steve had given him out of his head. It was filled with terror, horror, and pure hatred before it turned to something that resembled guilt and confusion. It was stuck in Bucky's head like someone had super glued it there and he just couldn't seem to get rid of it. 

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