Chapter Sixteen

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"It doesn't just come like this!" Emma cries while throwing her hands in the air. "It only happens when I'm if we keep at it, the powers might show because I'm starting to get pissed off." 

"I like you and if you ever need help sneaking away, call me." Daisy orders while placing her hands on her hips before turning her gaze to Fitz, who stood in the corner with a tablet. "I like her."

"As you have stated four times in the past hour." He gruffs.

"I want to get out of here now," Emma replies. "Is that an option?"

"Afraid not." Fitz shakes his head. "Or we're both getting our asses kicked."

"You just don't get away fast enough." Daisy chortles. "Unlike us." 

"She fell through the vents!" He argues.

"Rookie mistake, after training with me for a few days it won't happen." Daisy waves him off with a smile, it was obvious she liked to get a rise out of him. 

"I'm starting to think that having you train with me was a bad idea," Fitz grumbles while rubbing his temples in annoyance.

Hydra Base

Few Miles Away

"You were weak." A man hisses while glaring at the few agents that survived the attack on SHIELD. "I told the director that we'd send our best and now look at you! Covered in ashes and burns with nothing but the clothes on your backs! A disgrace!"

"Sir." April coughs while stepping forward. For the first time in years, there was genuine fear on her face. She looked like the small girl that Hydra had kidnapped from the orphanage all those years ago, nothing like the assassin she was supposed to be now. "I'm not enough to shake her anymore, all she feels is anger at the sight of me-"

"We've established that." He interrupts with a wave of his hand. "Just for wasting my time with that, you're spending the night in the containment chamber. Maybe a week, hopefully, we remember you." 

"No, no!" April shouts as a few men step forward to drag her out of the room, they didn't really give the choice of walking anymore. "I had a purpose for reminding you of that! I swear!"

The man raises his hand in the air to stop the others, his curiosity getting the best of him. April turns her gaze to the three men take quick steps back, not wanting to anger the man in charge any more than he was already. She swallows the lump in her throat before turning her gaze back to his impatient one. 

"She knew another here, they had grown quite close to one another as the years went on." April states. "He's an agent here, goes by the name Grant Ward, he'll be the one to break her. If anyone can, it's him." 

"Interesting." The man comments while rubbing his chin before he quickly turns to one of the agents on standby. "Find Grant Ward, tell him to meet with me in my office." Finally, he turns back to the remaining agents from the SHIELD attack. "As for all of you, twenty-four hours in the containment chamber. Hopefully, someone will come for you tomorrow."

Few Hours Later

"Oh! I know!" Jemma claps her hands, causing Daisy and Emma to jump in their seats. "Let's play a game!"

"A game?" Daisy raises her eyebrow. 

"Yes. Emma, you like games, don't you?" She inquires.

"I mean...there wasn't time to play games when we were on the run." Emma shrugs. After a few off looks, she clears her throat and tries again. "I mean, sure I love games." 

"Great! She's in!" Jemma smiles. "Fitz?"

"Why not." He grumbles while turning away from his computer that was transferring data for Coulson. "It's not like I'm doing something important anyway." 

"What do you want to play?" Daisy chuckles after a few seconds of silence. "How about who can bother Mack the most?"

"I was thinking something a little more old school." Jemma tips her head to the side. "Like hide and seek."

"What's that?" Emma inquires with genuine confusion written on her face.

"Oh." Fitz clears his throat, pure confusion filling his system too. How could someone not know the game hide and seek? "It's when everyone but one person hides and that one person has to find the others. The first person that is found is it the next round, it keeps going and going until the group calls it quits."

"That seems...repetitive," Emma admits with a small shrug of her shoulders. "But why not, it's not like Fury will let me do anything else anyway." 

"Great!" Jemma claps her hands again, Emma noted that she enjoyed doing such a thing when she had ideas or was super excited. "I'll be seeker first, just to give everyone a chance to get used to the game." 

"What's off-limits?" Daisy inquires as she stands to stretch her back.

"Let's make this interesting." Jemma smiles. "Nothing is. Only rules are that you cannot use your powers to escape, no leaving the base, and stay indoors."

"Oh, you're never going to find me!" Daisy laughs. "But it's your funeral." 

"Yeah right, I'll find you first!" Jemma shouts. "Okay okay, I'll count to one-twenty. Should give you all enough time to escape. Good luck!"

With that, Jemma turns around, covers her eyes, and starts to count. Fitz's eyes widen in surprise before he immediately takes off, disappearing down the hall within seconds. Daisy is second to leave, gesturing for Emma to hurry up and hide before Jemma finished. 

Emma stands for a few extra seconds, her brain quickly coming up with a plan. Jemma reaches sixty and Emma pulls herself from her thoughts, she wasn't on a mission right now, no, she was playing a game. A game that did not require her brain to go full-blown assassin mode on her, she could do this without thinking of escape routes. Right?

Emma rushes down the hall right past Bucky and Steve, who had been exploring the base in an attempt to try and find Emma. Both men turn around and watch her race down the hall, each furrowing their eyebrows in confusion. Was Emma in danger? What the hell was happening?

"One-eighteen, one-nineteen, one-twenty!" Jemma screams from the lab before poking her head into the hall. "Ready or not here I come!" 

"What in the fuck is happening?" Bucky whispers as the blonde rushes past.

"Language." Steve gruffs back before turning on his heel to follow his daughters path. He was going to talk to her today, even if it killed him. With the days' events so far, Steve feared that that's exactly what would happen anyway.


Whoa sorry it's been like a whole month and this is only a filler chapter, but don't worry! I've got plenty in store for our beloved characters coming shortly. Also, I notice how you all love Grant Ward and his appearances in my books, so I couldn't leave the guy out. Could I?

But now it's time for your guesses because I love reading the theories you all come up with (sometimes it even sways the direction of my writing :)  )

Anywho, do you guys think Grant's gonna try to get Emma to Hydra?

Is he the 'good guy' here or the bad?

Will Emma and April ever see eye to eye? 

Is Steve literally EVER going to talk to his daughter? (lol probably not...jk)

Anywho, thanks for ready and I can't wait to read the theories. Have a good day/night/afternoon/whatever

-Author Out

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