Chapter Three

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Present Time
NY, NY (Street)

The streets of New York were especially packed that morning as Emma wove her way through the crowd. She kept her head down, her eyes covered by sunglasses, and her hair covered by a baseball cap that Emma had 'borrowed' a few stores down. There was no need for someone to question her or out of the blue recognize her from SHIELD or Hydra. Though, Emma found it highly doubtful that someone would identify her, one could never be too careful in a busy place like this, where it seemed like someone was always watching. 

Emma had left the motel about ten minutes ago, she had to give April at least twenty minutes to ditch their car and meet up with her near the South entrance to Central Park. Emma had a twinge of worry deep in her stomach because of the police barricades that had appeared seconds after she left the motel and was safely across the street, but she had to tell herself (and hope) that they were busting the drug dealers a few doors down. 

Emma rolls her eyes at her wandering mind and tries to get it to focus, she didn't want to draw attention to herself because she wasn't paying attention. That was the one thing she and April had always agreed upon. During the day, keep the attention away from oneself and stay in the shadows. If you had to show off at night, that was okay but always be weary of your surroundings. 

Emma, who had been too lost once again, slams into something metal and falls to the ground in a heap. A whimper of pain escapes her lips as she slowly looks up to see a man standing over her with a concerned expression. Emma's sunglasses were long gone because of the impact so she couldn't see as clearly with the blaring sun but one thing was certain, there was no metal. What had she bumped into?

"I'm sorry, Ma'am." He sighs. "I wasn't watching where I was going, are you alright?"

Emma opens her mouth to reply, about to argue that it really was her fault, but she freezes when the man's face comes into focus. No, it couldn't be. He was dead, gone, Hydra wouldn't have sent him forward like they had her, right? No, he was their best agent! The Winter Soldier was someone Hydra cherished, all the more reason to save him for a better time, but why would he be here? Apologizing

Emma's mouth goes dry and she scrambles to her feet. Her eyes lock with his and she starts to stumble back the way she had come, mumbling apologies to any person that she accidentally bumped. Emma weaves through the crowd, this time much faster, trying to get away from him as fast as she could. If Emma recognized him, there had to be something inside that recognized her as well. They had worked together so many times that the Winter Soldier was burned into her brain and not in the good way.

She hears his voice behind her, asking people to move or excusing himself, which only causes Emma to move faster. The Winter Soldier wouldn't come after her if he didn't feel some sort of recognition. Emma had to hide, go somewhere, get herself out of this situation. She stops and quickly looks around, her brain trying to come up with some sort of solution.

"Excuse me!" Emma shouts to a man who was leaning against a building. He looked nice least to a point where he'd hopefully help a girl in need.

"Yeah?" The guy answers.

"I uh..." She bites her lip and puts on her best 'frightened' face, one that she had plenty of practice with. "There's a guy chasing me, he won't leave me alone. Please, can you just...block me or something?"

"Of course." The guy quickly nods and Emma smiles in relief. Without another word, he grabs her arm and instructs for her to just stare at him as if they were a couple. He switches their hats and puts his sunglasses over Emma's eyes before he scans around. "Is it the guy in the red sweatshirt?"

"Yes," Emma whispers under her breath while ducking her head slightly. The man's eyes follow, most likely Barnes, through the crowd with a slight glare before he looks back down at Emma.

"He's gone, went down Seventh Avenue." He finally announces. Emma breaks away from him with a smile of gratitude before they quickly exchange their things. 

"Thank you, so much." Emma states with a small wave, she turns and takes off down the street; heading in the same direction as before. Emma would have to circle back later to meet with April and the other person they were meeting with, but that didn't matter. As long as she was far away from him

After a few blocks, Emma found herself at the entrance of Central Park. She was early, at least fifteen minutes earlier than she had planned to meet April and that made her more nervous. What if someone questioned her? What if the Winter Soldier came back? Slowly, her brain starts to question other things, like why was he here? What was his actual name? Was this person that they were meeting actually going to be helpful? How does she explain a giant burn mark on the motel wall from when April scared her? 

Emma sighs and kicks the ground, sending stones scattering everywhere. She watches a small, white one roll across the sidewalk and stop at a pair of worn boots. Slowly, her eyes travel up to look at whoever she had hit. Of course, it was him

"You dropped your sunglasses, Agent 12." The Winter Soldier sighs while holding up Emma's black sunglasses, she doesn't move. "You know, I almost didn't recognize you without the mask, but I can't forget a face. Especially the ones I've hurt." 

"What do you want?" Emma questions, her voice steady despite her nerves. 

"I want to know what you're doing here." He replies. 

"Nothing of your concern." Emma scoffs while crossing her arms. "I'm not with Hydra." 

"Neither am I." He slowly states. "But I didn't mean that. I meant how are you here? We worked together almost fifty years ago." 

"I should be asking you the same thing, then." She bites her lip. "Guess Hydra really had plans for the both of us." 

"I know it's you." He taunts. "I could tell everyone."

"Who would believe you?" Emma furrows her eyebrows. "No one is looking for me. I've made my peace." 

"Oh, that's where you're wrong." He shakes his head. "Everyone is looking for you."

"I don't understand." Emma warily replies. 

"See that building over there?" The Winter Soldier points to a small cafe with chairs lining the sidewalk. It gave the perfect view of Avengers tower that loomed above the rest of the buildings, putting them all to shame. Slowly, Emma nods keeping her gaze locked on an empty table. "I'm going there for breakfast, that's what everyone in that tower believes. I have ten minutes to explain as much as I can and if you want to hear it, I suggest you meet me there." 

With that, he leaves her standing alone. Emma watches him cross the street and walk into the cafe as if nothing happened. She places a hand over her beating heart and her eyes catch a glimpse of her sunglasses that he had left behind on the stone wall, she hadn't even seen him put them down. 

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