Chapter Seventeen

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Two Hours Later

"This will be easy she said." Fitz mimics Jemma as the group of two treks down the hall. "Let's play hide and seek with two assassins. It'll be fun!"

"You're just sour because I found you trying to climb on top of the fridge." Jemma gruffs while crossing her arms. "I'm having a great time!"

"Excuse me." Steve Rogers states while stepping from a hidden hallway to their right. Fitz lets out a cry of surprise and Jemma rolls her eyes in his direction, was he serious right now? "I was wondering if you could help me find Emma? I've been looking for the past few hours and I just...I'm usually a few steps behind her I guess." 

"Oh." Jemma bites her lip. How could she explain to Captain America that the girl they were supposed to be watching had been technically missing for two hours now? "Last we saw her-"

"She was showering." Fitz interrupts.

"What? You saw her showering?" Steve demands with a look of confusion mixed with disgust.

"No!" He shouts. "I meant she was on her way to shower....that's...that's what I meant." 

"Oh." Steve clears his throat. "Well if you see her, tell her I'm looking for her."

"Of course." Jemma quickly nods before roughly dragging Fitz down the hall. "In the shower? You almost got yourself killed!"

"It's the first thing that came to mind!" Fitz whines. "Is it wrong to cheat now? I mean...we have to find them." 

"You're right." Jemma mumbles. All of a sudden, the vent above them swings open and Daisy lands right in their path. Once again, Fitz screams from freight and Jemma closes her eyes in annoyance.

"This technically means we're on time out," Daisy announces. "Emma and I are still safe."

"Fine, whatever." Jemma gruffs. "Did you see her up there?"

"No." Daisy shakes her head. "But don't worry, I'm already pulling up the heat signatures in the base."

SHIELD Computer Lab
Same Time

"Do you know how hard it is to find a teenager around here?" Nick Fury sighs while falling into the seat right next to Emma. She barely answers him, instead her eyes were focused on the screen in front of her. 

It was the largest monitor in the lab, with computers surrounding it on separate desks. In full-blown HD, a video played of scientists finding Emma in the cry-o-freeze. Alongside that clip, played the one taken of her father. 

"How hard?" Emma finally replies as it starts to come to an end. 

"As hard as my three most qualified agents running around like their heads are cut off." Fury shakes his head. "Though they are trying to hide it, not working too well. Steve said they told him you were showering, Coulson said they told him you were eating, and they told me you were reading." 

"So different answers from each of them." Emma chuckles under her breath but it quickly dies when she moves to open another folder.

"What are you doing here?" Fury questions. "Why are you avoiding him?"

"I'm thinking how things would've been different if we'd just waited a little longer. If I would've woken up around his time or him with me." She whispers. "How I probably could've avoided Hydra or hell if he would've come to save me instead of crashing that stupid plane."

"He saved a lot of people." Fury argues. Without Emma's knowledge, a little camera sat blinking at the top corner of the room. It's red light going on and off with a rhythmic pattern. On the other side sat Steve Rogers himself, alone in his room with a tablet borrowed from Coulson.

"Yeah, well he didn't save me!" She shouts while standing, sending her chair across the room. Emma swipes her arm across her cheek, trying to keep the tears at bay. Why was she always crying now? "I was the one who needed him. I was his daughter who hoped and prayed that somehow, someway, my dad would come take me away. No kid should have to go through those things, Fury. Yet I did. I waited years for my father to come for me, he never did. So excuse me if it's a little hard to face him now."


"No, don't 'Emma' me!" She argues. "I am not the little girl he left behind anymore. I can't just fit him back into my life. I swear, he hates it, I am sometimes very rude, he's all patriotic and shit! I argue with superiors a lot, he is one! Our relationship won't work, it can't work-"

"How do you know?" Fury interrupts while crossing his arms. Now the tears were flowing down her cheeks without Emma making a move to stop them, he doesn't mention them. "You haven't said more than two words to him!"

"Because I loved someone just like him," Emma replies. "And you may think, 'whoa she was a kid. She doesn't know what love is!' And maybe I don't but it was the only thing I could onto here, it was real to me."

"Emma." Fury furrows his eyebrows in confusion as he looks at the girl and back at the screen. "What the hell did you do?"

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