Chapter Sixty One: The Festival

Start from the beginning

Even grumpy Sora was grinning by the time we exited the tunnel and emerged into the first sunlight we'd seen in months.

I breathed in the fresh air. The breeze carried the scent of pine and hope. I reminded myself that even if we were different, the tribe was still shaken from the previous day's events.

Jinx clapped his hands together. "Ready to have some fun?"

I grinned in return, jokingly reminding him, "We still have to be careful though."

He casually waved me away. "Ah, I'll be fine. It's our first break in so long, we might as well enjoy it."

Ash agreed and we set off light-heartedly. The town was bustling with people and shouts from the builders. Preparations were still underway for the night's parade and the scent of flowers blossomed in the wind. Nobles and townsmen alike chatted about market prices and the like. Though the threat of destruction weight over our heads, it was like the tribe was saying, 'we aren't afraid,' with this act of joy.

"Look!" Sora said, pointing at the fire swallowers and smiling. It occurred to me that in a family as strict as her, she must not have had as many opportunities to have fun as a child. Maybe that was what drove her to commit that act against me.

We stuck together in the crowds, trying different foods from the vendors and snacking on a Serpentine specialty: roasted eel. Sora generously supplied her coins, but we didn't buy too much. We had to keep shape, only buying a few of the more healthy products.

The tension eased between Ash and me slightly. He kept pointing out different shows to me, even competing in some of the contests just to make me laugh. Of course, he almost always lost to the professionals, but it was fun.

Jinx kept pulling pranks on unsuspecting Serpentine, pickpocketing only to return the items to them when they noticed. The funny thing was, they didn't seem to mind. They knew who Jinx was and took it all in stride, treating him as their own.

Then the dancing started. Some Serpentine pulled out wood flutes and stringed instruments, strumming a joyous tune and calling the tribe to the floor. Tables were cleared and chairs pushed to the side, everyone making way.

Suddenly we were pulled into one big spinning circle, holding hands with our neighbors and laughing all the while. The tribe quickly taught us, the foreigners, the steps and we joined in, splitting off into groups and then coming together again.

It was getting later and later, the sun casting a golden hue on the festivities. The song switched to slow and casual dance.

One brave Serpentine came up to Jinx and asked him if he wanted to dance. He seemed to know the girl well and accepted. The two of them were swept away into the crowds of spinning, whirling couples. Another young man also approached Sora and she stepped off to join him. It was just Ash and I left.

When I glanced up, he was looking at me, lips quirked up in a modest smile that didn't at all reflect his looks. I vaguely noticed a few girls behind us giggling and gossiping.

Then he held out his hand to me, bowing down minutely.

"Care to join me for a dance?" He said, and I swear my heart melted right then and there.

I refused to ruin the moment by blushing and gently placed my hand in his. "S-sure."

Ash laughed and tugged me into the square. He placed one hand on my waist and the other took hold of mine. After some hesitation, I followed his lead, settling my left hand on his shoulder. We danced in time with the music and I prayed that he wouldn't be able to hear how loud my heart was beating.

But I did notice the fact that, with my enhanced hearing, I could sense how fast his heart was beating.

I smiled and started laughing out of pure happiness, surprising Ash into glancing down at me. He tilted his head inquisitively.

"I guess...I'm just happy," I admitted. "Even if we're facing the Predators soon, I have a feeling things will be alright. I don't know. Should I be happy?"

I turned to look up at him and his gaze softened.

"Of course," Ash replied, tightening his grip and spinning us past another couple. "You deserve this, after everything. I know what you're saying."

Then, with a smile, he spun me around, making me gasp. He pulled me back with a daring grin and I felt my expression match his.

For tonight -- at least one night -- I'll forget everything else and be happy.

(Side Note: I'm also updating my comic Homebound on Webtoons. Check it out if you have time!)

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