Chapter 2. The Avatar Returns.

Start from the beginning

"Where will you go?"

"Guess we'll go back home and look for the Airbenders." Y/n responded to the girl.

"It was nice meeting everyone." Aang told them, even though the adults kept glaring at them.

"Let's see you bison fly now."

"Come on, Appa. You can do it, yip-yip." Aang cheered but Appa only groaned, standing up.

"Yeah. I thought so." Sokka commented when a little girl, no older than five, ran up to them, "Don't go, please? I'll miss you." She said with tears in her eyes.

"We'll miss you too." Y/n told the little girl while Katara sadly stared at them. She nudged Aang's arm, "Come on." With that being said, Appa began to walk away.

"Katara, you'll feel better after you-"

"You happy, now?" Katara, frustrated that they banished them, snaps angrily at her grandmother, "There goes my one chance of becoming a Waterbender." She walked away, leaving her grandmother looking saddened.

"Alright! Ready our defenses, the Fire Nation could be on our shores any moment now!" Sokka hurriedly readied the young boys.

"And no potty breaks!" He shouted when a kid raised his hand.

~No one's P.O.V~

Meanwhile, Aang, Y/n, and Appa rested on a wind-carved ice formation. Aang fast asleep while Appa and Y/n stayed awake.

Appa roared and Y/n, acting as if Appa could talk to him, responded, "Yeah, I know. I actually liked them. That's new."

She sensed something moving, glancing in the direction, Y/n saw a Fire Navy ship sailing towards the village trough the thick fog, a blank expression on her face.

"Seems like trouble." She muttered, grabbing her staff, "Appa, keep an eye on him." She said, jumping down from the ice figure.

~No one's P.O.V~

Sokka stood on the makeshift walls of the village, his face covered in paint. The villagers gasped at the appearance of the ship nearing.

The ship cut through the ice ground, "Oh, man." Sokka breath, the ship heading straight for him.

Zuko's ship arrived at the Water Tribe village, its mere approach collapsed Sokka's makeshift walls and towers.

Katara helped the elders inside the tents to be safe, then the kids. She stayed out herself.

"Sokka, get out of the way!" Sokka continued to stand bravely, only balking in order to avoid the ramp that descended from the ship.

At the sounds, the villagers --Stupid enough-- made their way out of the tents.

Zuko quickly descended, accompanied by a few soldiers.

Letting out a war cry, Sokka charged at him while Zuko was making his way down from the ramp, the more experienced Zuko only kicked the weapon out of Sokka's hand and then kicked him off the ramp, letting himself pass him.

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