"arguing again?" he asks and i nod.

he goes quiet and puts an earbud in my ear, flooding my head with some peaceful music.

i nestle into him and close my eyes, falling asleep.

i was awoken when someone was shaking me.

"moi, moira." spencer says, waking me up.

"hm?" i asked, rubbing sleep out of my eyes.

"hey, it's five, your mom called and said you have to go back over, you have to get ready for coaching." spencer told me and i groaned.

"what i don't regret about leaving riley is the super early morning practices." i groaned and rolled out of his bed.

"thanks for letting me sleep over last night spence." i say as i walk out of his room.

"no problem moi, i love you, have a good day at work. you want me to drive you home after we practice later?" he asked as i walked downstairs.

"yes please, love you too!" i whisper yell and walk out back to my house.

when i get home, i hear the shower running, and i walk into my room.

i change into some black leggings and one of my skating jackets, but i bring a heavy, black parka.

i grab one of my duffle bags and put my parka in it, a tennis shoe, and one of my water bottles in it.

i braid my hair and put on a hat.

"moira, come on!" my mom called and i sighed, spraying myself with some nice perfume, and throwing some makeup in a bag then into my duffle.

I hurry downstairs and into my moms car.

"excited?" she asked me and i nodded.

"and nervous." i added, then we drove in silence.

when we pulled up to the rink, i stayed in the car for a second.

"i'm sorry i didn't come back last night." i told her and she nodded, a smile coming to her face.

"it's okay honey, i'm just glad you weren't kidnapped." she laughs and i grin.

"thanks mom, i'll see you tonight, spencer has practice so he's going to drive me home after." i say and she grins.

"you two would be so-"

"no, he's my best friend mom." i tell her and she laughs.

"okay honey, have a good day." she says and i nod, grabbing my bag and heading into the rink.

i got to riley's office and saw her other coach in there and they were going over warm-ups and practices.

"hey coach riley." i say and both her head and the other lady's head pops up, riley smiling wide.

"you made it!" she grinned.

"yeah." i smiled weakly.

"so moira, this is alina. alina, this is moira, she's my former student and current national and world champion." riley introduces us.

"nice to meet you." i say to the older woman who smiles warmly and shakes my hand.

"so, we're going to go over warm-ups and practices." riley says and we all sit down, ready to get to work.

a couple hours later

"okay guys, let me see an axel." i say to my group, watching them go three at a time to do an axel.

i smile as most of my group lands them, some more cheated than others.

"that was amazing guys! good job!" i say and give everyone high fives.

"okay now, can i see a double loop?" i asked and some nodded.

"if you can't do one, try another axel." i tell the ones who can't do it yet.

as i watch them, i see from the corner of my eye the hockey team walking in.

the girls finish and i clap, giving them smiles.

"that was great, now can i see some lutz's?" all the girls nodded.

i shuffle over to the door, where riley was hanging out, watching me teach.

"you're good with them." she observes.

"yeah, they all have some real potential." i tell her and she grins.

"they remind me of you when you were little." she reminds me, making me laugh.

i look past the girls to see my best friend watching with some of his teammates, cheering on the girls.

i roll my eyes and look at riley, who was smirking.

shuffling over to where the boys were, i watched the girls land their lutz's.

"okay now can i see a lutz combo?" i call and some girls grinned.

i stood right in front of spencer, watching the girls land everything perfectly.

i almost fell over when spencer banged on the glass.

"hey!" i could hear his muffled yell and i grinned.

"ms. moira! is that your boyfriend?" one of the girls asked me, pointing to spencer.

i just laughed softly and looked back to see spencer making faces at the girls.

rolling my eyes and laughing, i called the girls over.

"you guys did amazing today, i'm so impressed by how good you guys are and i definitely see some potential in all of you. good job today!" i cheer, making them laugh. "now, let's get off the ice so these hockey players can get on."

they skated over and grabbed their stuff, letting the hockey players on in the process.

"moira!" spencer called, skating out in his goalie pads.

some of the girls giggled and pointed at us, making me laugh and look at my best friend.

"you sir, are not helping with my claim to those girls." i said as he gave me a hug, letting me stand on his skates.

"mhmm." he grinned, looking down at me.

"knight! let the figure skater go, we have something called practice we kind of have to do!" one of the hockey players said and spencer sighed.

"i'll see you after practice?" he asked and i nodded, kissing his cheek.

i shuffled off the ice, walking back to riley's office.

before i could get there, i got pulled into a locker room by a bunch of younger girls.

"miss moira, we need to know. is that hockey player your boyfriend?" one girl asked once i sat down.

i laughed softly, "no, he's my best friend. we actually met when we were you guys age."

i see some disappointed looks, which made me look at them in a playfully suspicious way.

"why?" i ask and some girls giggled.

"he was looking at you like he was in love with you." a girl said, making me blush.

"well that's new." i laugh.

"do you love him?" another girl asked.

"of course i love him, he's my best friend in the entire world. i love him more than i love skating." i tell them and some giggle while some go 'aww'.

"now, maybe once we're done with our off ice, you guys can meet him." i say, standing up, making some girls smile and nod.

i grin as i walk out, seeing spencer stop a hard shot flawlessly.

now i just have to explain to him why there's going to be thirteen little girls begging to meet him after his practice.

oh boy.

ice // s. knightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora