"Mr. Ridley was arrested!"
"I heard he was caught with young teenage girls!"

Many of other rumors spread through the school about Mr. Ridley, the 12th grade Language Arts teacher. I had heard on the radio a few days ago the a teacher at Ridgeview High was arrested, never guessed it'd be one of the nicest teachers to walk the Earth. Maybe that was how he lured his victims in. He was nice to them, acted like he cared for them. I'm not sure, but thankfully he was caught before anymore innocent kids were hurt or killed.

Along with the rumors about our previous teacher, were rumors about our new teacher.
"He's atleast in his 30s"
"He's really cute!"
I had him 3rd period after art class and health, so I would get to judge his appearance for myself.

I quickly walked to my locker and unlocked it, throwing my afternoon class notebooks into it and slamming it shut. I was usually the first one to my classes and my first day of Senior year was not going to change my routine. I made my way through the corridors and past the groups of friends talking and giggling among themselves. I walked to the art room located in the extracurricular hallway and took a seat.

"Hello Millie, great to see you again!" Mrs. Roberts exclaimed gleefully.

I have taken art with her every year of high school so I quickly warmed up to her enthusiasm.

"You too Mrs. Roberts! How was your summer?"

"Busy, yours?

"Worked almost every hour. Who knew adulting sucked?"

We laughed until more kids entered the classroom, sitting with their cliques. There was a new girl, I assumed since she looked lost and confused. She took a seat beside me and turned to look at me.

"I'm Riley"


After our brief exchange, Mrs. Roberts began attendance. Going down the list before the daily announcements began.

"Good morning Ridgeview High, welcome back from your summer break-I hope you had a good one. Teachers, remember to go over the handbook to remind those "thugs" of the rules and what is tolerated here. Have a nice days students and welcome back."

Mrs. Roberts did as Principal Parry said, reviewed the school handbook and her classroom rules. She then introduced potential projects this year before the bell rang 43 minutes later.

393 Words
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