"Uh-oh." Thomas mutters next to you. Even he recognizes it.

Your younger self stands up and walks behind Percy. Then starts jumping up and down in the background. You fall down several times and start giggling. Your Dad, who was taking the video chuckles. Percy stops playing, "Iris! Cut it out! I'm trying to be serious right now!"

This earns a laugh from the older you's in the room and a blush from present day Percy.

Little you smirks, "Okay, okay."

Thomas grins, "Aw, little Iris."

You blush. Several other videos play. And then a dreaded high school video comes up. You sit around with a few friends, Willa and Vanessa included, practicing for a play.

Oh crap. You think to yourself.

Thomas frowns and looks at you, "Your hair is....purple?"

You hear Juliette chuckle behind you, "Right smart deduction, Tommy."

You sigh heavily, "It was a phase...."

Thomas' mouth drops open, obviously amused, "YOU had a PHASE?"

You hear Juli and Sidney chuckle behind you.

You pucker your lips, "Yes, I had a phase."

"What kind?" He asks grinning.

"She had a party girl phase." Sidney spills, " She dressed super girly and stayed out at parties all night. She was always popular but not in the party girl popular way."

Thomas raises his eyebrows, "You've never told me about this."

"It's not something I like to tell about." You say, with a nod.

"Why not? Did you....DO something during that phase?" He gives you a meaningful look.

You clear your throat uncomfortably, "If what you mean by 'something' is something sexual....then no. I'm still a virgin. But it's just embarrassing to talk about."

"What about-" Thomas starts.

"Shhhh," You cut him off, "Watch the video."

He looks back to the TV, silencing himself.

The younger Iris says, "Thank you, Kit! That's actually a really great idea for a name. America. I'm going name my child America."

Thomas whispers, "We are not naming our child America."

"Shhhh." You hiss.

In the video, Willa looks at you, "That's an awful name! America is stupid. You're so stupid."

You turn to Willa, "You're stupid too, but I'm not naming my child after you."

"OH! BURN!" Your friend Calabaza yells.

You laugh, "Those were my friends in high school. They'll be at our wedding. Kit is the tall wiry one. The short one with the short curly hair is Snow. And Calabaza is the....er....dark skinned one. She's Jamaican. Hence the unusual name."

Thomas nods, "That's cool."

"Oh, I like this video!" Juliette yells, as a video of Percy and Sidney pop up.

The rest of the afternoon is spent watching old videos and recounting old times.

- - - -

Shadows dance around the camp fire. Smoke rises from the burning yellow and the smokiness fills the air, giving off a calming scent.

You wrap the blanket around you tighter. Your parents have a pretty awesome backyard. It's large for one. It kind of reminds you of how the glade is described in The Maze Runner.

Jumping on the Train (Thomas Sangster fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now