Prophecy (Part II)

Start from the beginning

"I can make snacks for us!" She stands up, grabbing my hand and pulling me with her. "And you are going to help."

"Wait, What?"

We walk into the kitchen, "I was thinking maybe some little appetizers. Ohhh and popcorn! Hot chocolate sounds good too!"

"Yvonne.. It is late and I would hate to wake anyone up."

She pouts, "Okay... Can I at least make popcorn and hot chocolate? It won't take long and there won't be a huge mess to clean up either."

I nod grabbing the popcorn seeds from the top cupboard and setting them on the counter. She grabs a deep pan, puts oil in it, and puts the burner on. I drop popcorn seeds at the bottom of the pan and set a top over it. We start to hear the popping noise of the popcorn.

She turned the burner off, grabbed a big bowl, and went to grab the pan.

"I got it. I don't want you to burn yourself."

She went around the counter, sitting on the stool as I poured the popcorn in the bowl.

"Don't forget to put salt and butter please!"

"Yeah. Yeah.."

I grab the butter out of the fridge and the salt from the cabinet. I melt the butter over the popcorn and sprinkle salt proceeding to continue to shake the bowl up.

I look over to see Yvonne leaning on her hand with her eyes closed..

"You doofus! You said you weren't tired.." I mutter, setting the bowl down. I can't help but to just stare at her as she sleeps.

I chuckle as her little snores get a little louder and drool seeps from the corner of her mouth.

I watch her eyes flutter, 'Oh shoot she's waking up! What do I do? She can't catch me staring at her.'

I lean over and flick her in the forehead as she opens her eyes.

"Ow!" She presses her hand against her forehead, "What was that for?"

"You have me making popcorn and hot chocolate while you fall asleep. I thought you weren't tired?"

"I'm not! I was just resting my eyes.."

Yvonne's P.O.V

Ugh how could I fall asleep on the counter.. I was supposed to be cheering Ashton up!

I could hear him having a nightmare and shifting in his bed all night.. Then just as I was gonna check on him I heard him go down the stairs so I followed him. I know something is upsetting him and I just wanted to take his mind off of it.

I walk over snatching the popcorn off the counter, "Movie time!"

"Give me a second and I'll be over there." I nod taking the popcorn in the living room.

A few minutes pass and Ashton come over with two coffee mugs in his hands, "Here is your Hot Chocolate with marshmallows and here is mine."

"Thank you!"

"Alright, what movie did you pick?" He sits on the far left of the couch after handing me my hot chocolate.

"A scary movie."

"I knew it.. How are we going to sleep after watching this?"

I shrug, "I have been wanting to watch it but I was too scared to watch it alone."

He chuckles, "So what you're telling me is that you want me to suffer with you?"

"Pretty much.."

He smiles, "So out of all days to watch this scary movie you chose the day we have steaming hot chocolate in our laps?"

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