My Only Present (Bonus Chapter)

Start from the beginning

Flushing the toilet and ridding of your boxers completely, you'd lip sync the words, prancing over to the tub and rotating the shower nob in order to turn on the shower head, adjusting the metal object protruding out of the tiled walls until the temperature was just right.

Before you knew it, you were under the warmth of never ending beads of water colliding with your skin, the feeling of relaxation kicking in and massaging your muscles. You proceeded to sing along with the music, gliding a wash cloth along your skin and upon every crevice possible to in order to scrub the muck and stench away, as well as letting the water run throughly into your (H/C) locks.

It wasn't long before you were out of the shower drying yourself off with a towel and replacing the cloth with a (F/C) bath robe to top it off. "Alexa, max out the volume," you'd request, the music stretching throughout the house itself once exiting the bathroom and proceeding at a much louder, hearty sound than before.

Though you weren't usually a singer, you sang to your heart's content as you dressed yourself in a pair of sweats and an ugly Christmas sweater your father'd recently sent to you over the holly month, the fabric hugging your muscled figure comfortably and perfectly. You smiled to yourself in response to the silly Christmasy designs that sat upon the sweater. If anything, it was better than nothing.

Truthfully, even though it was Christmas Day, you weren't expecting much at all. Really, there wasn't much you wanted or needed to satisfy you for this typically joyful day.

Though... There was one thing you wanted most, more than anything in the world actually. It was the fact that there was no way you'd be able to get such a present this year, or even the next; it was just too much to ask for, especially with the little time that'd passed ever since Koro Sensei departed into literal particles. Even so, today is supposed to be a good day... A day for you to enjoy yourself, who you were, what you've accomplished and what you had.

Your forced a grin onto your face, giving your chest a motivation filled pound to the chest, "Alright (Y/N)," you'd exclaim, pulling a (F/C) winter jacket over yourself in preparation for the cold that was about to torture the hell out of you; You were planning to walk to a Starbucks not too far from the apartment complex. Even before today, you'd usually go there to chill on the sofas and snack on cake pops and coffee cakes, and today would be no different. Though, you weren't looking forward to the employee at the counter that'd always try to flirt with you... She just could never take no for an answer.

By the time you were dressed fully, your favorite song was over. Slipping your phone into your pocket you ordered Alexa to power off for the time being that you were gone as you passed by the bathroom. Of course, you couldn't leave the house without having to go on a hunt for your house key first...

Within a span of ten to fifteen minutes, you were out of the house and on your way to your favorite café.

Within a span of ten to fifteen minutes, you were out of the house and on your way to your favorite café

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"—Uhh, I'll have the usual...?" You'd request in a slightly unsure tone, nodding your head once you were completely positive, "Yeah, the usual, please."

My Little Assassin ( Nagisa Shiota X Dominant Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now