"Yeah, but that's not an issue right now. I'm technically underage to drink and he's offering champagne and it's a bar in the inside." Take a deep breath once again, adjusting my dress.

"I already warned you about it, it's going to be okay. Once we go back, get a glass and sip slow. If you want a drink tell me and I will get it for you. There's nothing to worry about." He rubbing his thumb on the side of my neck soothing me.


I smile at Daniel as he talks about himself and his modeling company. He reached out to me when I was talking to a female colleague who turned out to be one of his models. I'm still skeptical but I am interested in the company.

"Honey, are you holding up okay? I know there are many men here who doesn't know what consideration means. If you're ready go back home, I'm okay with that." Yuko appears back next to me after we branched off a little. He kisses my cheek whilst squeezing my waist as a reference of territory.

"I'm doing just fine, love. And I have grown a bit tired." I responded touching his face making him bend down kissing the corner of his wet lips making it seem like we actually kissed.

"Maybe I can give you a nice rose bath and a massage afterwards?" He pulls me close in a low laugh purposely making Daniel feel uncomfortable.

"That'd be nice." I gave a "sheepish" grin before diverting my attention back to Daniel with a polite smile.

"Honeymoon phase I see..." Daniel raises his brow sharing a glance with Yuko.

" I would say that. It was nice meeting you, I will be contacting you."

"Shall we?" Yuko ask before leading me out the room into the elevator.

"We are cleaning once we get home."


I scrunched up slightly looking out the window in pain. "Are you okay?" Yuko asks reluctantly.

I tried to sit straight but my uterus said no. "I'm not feeling well." I whimper holding my lower abdomen with one hand.

"Do we need to stop by the store?" He rubs my knee. I nod taking deep breaths. Today wasn't the correct day to wear a thong. I wasn't leaking but I could tell today is the start of my menses.

I have irregular periods so I can't depend on a prediction app, sucks to be me right? But on the upper hand I have light flows but I still get maxi pads because I'm a bigger girl.

I remember when I used to go on over night trips with my school, I used to get bullied because I would always develope ahead of all the girls. I got my first period in 4th grade. Fourth fucking grade! But over time I embraced it, realizing how sacred menses was. Yes I know, most girls and guys don't and will never understand how powerful the blood is that we shed. But hey, I could give less of a fuck.

"Don't worry Aya, I'm not disgusted. I don't want you to feel as if you need to hide things from me or work around me to have a comfortability balance in the house. We are each other's company, therefore there are energies that need to be parallel and a third force that we need to embrace within our parallels." He proposed his philosophy of the household.

"...Okay, I won't but I want you to accept me as I am. I'm comfortable with you and your presence and what you have to say and offer, but I want that mutuality. I don't want to run you off the grid if I'm in the living room with my hand in my bra or my ass in the air or me accidentally farting because something scared me. I want you to not place judgment on me." I simper at myself but winced in pain.

I groan gripping the seat belt. "Can we order pizza?"

"Yeah use my phone and order from CrumbHub. I'll eat whatever you eat. Just include the meat lovers pizza." He said handing me his phone. I unlocked it with my fingerprint going to the CrumbHub app. I looked for the Pizza Hunt icon before placing an order for 3 large flat pan meat lover's with mushrooms, 3 large stuffed crust meat lover's, all equalling $89.94.

My eyes widen as I shook my head reluctantly. "Yeah, let's not order pizza."

"What's up?" He laughs stoping at the red light. "I didn't know pizza was this high!"

"What do you mean?" He chortles at my panic.

"I mean you really out here bout to pay almost  $100 for some pizza?" I question looking at him side ways.

"Yeah. Give me the phone."  He says placing the car in park. I have him the phone and he did one simple making my eye twitch. "You that person who lose 100 dollar bills and don't care about them."

"No, I'm not dumb but if I know I can afford it then there's nothing to worry about. You are a sheltered person." He shrugs laughing getting out the car to enter CVS.


I heard clicking of the door along with sacks rattling under me causing me to peer my eyes open looking at a stubble jaw line with smooth skin to match it.

"You're skin is giving me life." I reach my hand to touch his healthy skin. He reveals a grin before entering our apartment.

I caught a whiff of pizza before I began to feel dizzy. I eyes flutter and my body begins to shake with weakness causing Yuko to become hasty in his movements. He placed me on his lap in my bed holding me up by my shoulders.

"You want some tea?" He ask moving a loose strand of hair behind my ear. I squint attempting to look in between my legs stopping mid point looking back at Yuko.

"Yeah but, uhh I have on a thong and I need to–"

"Say no more, I bought you pads and tampons because I forgot to ask you. I hope the pads are the correct size. Oh and I bought the Tylenol maximum strength so you only have to take one pill instead of two." He holds his hand up before helping me off his lap.

"Thanks." I said limping over to my drawer grabbing a pair of high cut panties and the correct size pad he chose before heading in the bathroom.


My eye stung as I push my stomach to empty the contents from my mouth. I held on to the toilet bowl for precious life. Once I finished I couldn't control my body hitting my head against the bathtub. I grunt releasing a cough from my tired lungs.

"Hey, you okay?" Yuko knocks on the door jiggling the knob. I tried to get a word out but it felt like my tongue was cut from my throat.

As soon as the door opened I felt my body being placed on the counter. The water began to fill the sink as I looked at Yuko. He looks me in eye scanning my face whilst handing me a cup full of mouthwash. I gargle the mouthwash with closed eyes unconsciously letting out tears.

His soft fingers wipe away my tears. I moved away from him to spit out letting out an exhausted sigh. "You okay, Aya?" He tilt his head wiping my lips with a damped towel.

"Yeah, this happens on my first day if I don't eat a lot." I sigh looking at his concerned facial expression.

" Oooh... well if you still have an appetite the pizza is still hot." He offers rubbing my shoulders. I nod catching a glimpse of my current outfit. I gasp pushing him away to cover my chest.

To make matters worse my nipples were hard. I quickly grabbed my white oversized shirt taking a deep breath.

"I promise I wasn't looking!" Yuko holds his hands up looking out the door.

"It's okay, best friend." I wrapped my arms around his neck playing with his gelled hair.

He stares at me  then smirks. "You won't let that go!"

"You seem to enjoy it."

"Let's go eat." He hoist me on his hip carrying me to the kitchen with a sigh.


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