"So, what's your vocal range?" I ask, sitting next to Willow.
  "My what?" She responds, very clearly confused.
  "Your vocal range? The pitch of your voice? High..heh...low?"
  She gives me a look that asked me The fuck you talking about?
  "Willow.." I begin, "have you done any plays?"
  "No. This is my first one and I..to be honest..have no clue how I even got this role.."
  "What grade are you in?"
  "I'm a sophomore. I just moved here."
   I realize how complicated this could end up being for her.
  "Oh boy. Alright. We..have a lot..to talk about."

  Nini always finds a way to look as cute as hell. Even though she looks frustrated, she just..finds a way.
  "Hello?!" Hunter asks loudly, snapping, almost hitting my face. "Uhm. So with scene 19, we're just..standing there and singing..mezzo forte?"
  "Oh. It's..somewhat like that.you really need to get use to the set change, and your emotions...it varies quickly. Can you act well?"
  "Well..that's why I'm here aren't I?" He replies, confidence large. It was clear that his ego was huge.
I give him a strange look before crossing my arms. I take a look at Willow who was standing in front of Nini, and immediately back to Hunter.
"Hey Hunter," I say with a cough.
"Hm?" He hums, turning his head back.
"You and Willow. You uh...you together?"
"Her? Fuck no,"he replies with a laugh.
"Dude. Really? I think I'm old enough to cuss. Plus, me and Willow? Not gonna happen. The girl can't keep her head straight, nor can she satisfy me. She's a duff, but minus the fat and ugly."
My demeanor changes quickly. I was not happy with his response.
"Satisfy you? What do you mean by that?" I ask, voice thick.
"I have my rep to think of. Willow? She'll destroy it and I have other whores to deal with than a book nerd."
"I'm sure you can find other ways to call those girls better names..Hunter."
"Dude. How old are you? 70? Listen, in my time, we call girls whatever we want or whatever they are. The 8 girls that waited in line to even be in the same room as me, got shut out by who? A girl who can read? Yeah, it's disappointing to be here at points."
I cock my head to the side and raise a brow.
"Hunter, have you even had a girlfriend?" I ask, trying to keep my cool.
"No. I don't do girlfriends. Can't say that I haven't had a girl or 2 over. I swear, they'll fall for anything." He responds laughing hysterically.
With that sentence, I could do nothing but laugh in anger. I grab his collar before discreetly pulling him out of the room and pinning him against a brick wall.
"Alright.." I say, forcing a fake laugh. "Your a sophomore, right? A 15 year old. You have no," I make quotations with my free hand, "whores, to deal with. And your rep? Why the fuck are you here? I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not interested in going to jail, but instead, I'm going to tell you something your gonna want to hear. You don't fuck around with girls alright? You can hardly keep your dick in your pants at this age, so talking this stuff about girls and calling them whores, won't do you good in the future. And right now, your rehearsing for a romance play, with the girl that you don't want to deal with. So tell me, do you want to stick in the play and act mature, or do I have to go Ms. Jenn and tell her that her Troy has his rep to think of?"
He stands there, pinned against the wall like the fool he is. I wonder what the girls would think of him if they saw him in the state he was in now.
"I'm...going to act mature.." he responds, eyes glowing with fear.
I let go of the kid and force a smile.
"Good. Sorry we had to get to know each other  like that. Shall we go back inside and rehearse?" I ask neutrally, as if I didn't just threaten a kid.
He nods in response, and quickly runs back inside. Nini eventually comes out the door before I could go back inside.
"What the hell? Why were you two out here?" She asks, peaking her head out.
"No reason.." I say with a fake smile. "No reason at all. We're just gonna go back in and rehearse."
"Hm. Alright..then?" She responds quietly, pulling herself back inside.

"And that's it! Amazing performance ladies and gentlemen. Rehearsals over! And with next week being break, please rest your vocals. We need to calm ourselves for a bit. But not yet, we have 2 more days until then." Ms. Jenn explains, clapping like theres no tomorrow.
I clap with her before meeting up with Nini, who was standing at the door waiting for me.
  "Your already ready?" I ask in honest concern. "What's up?"
  "Oh nothings up. I'm just wondering why you and Hunter looked like you just finished making out when I came out into the hallway." She replies, causing me to smile with a scoff.
  "It's..it's nothing Nini. Don't worry about it." I assure, beginning to walk towards the door. Nini grabs my hand before I could even touch the door.
  "Really? It's nothing? C'mon. What is it?"
I don't reply, but instead, I stare into her brown eyes that are filled with confusion.
  "Okay now I'm actually thinking you made out with a sophomore. Ricky..I swear to god if your a pedophile!" She whisper shouts.
  "Wait what!? No Nini I-" I start laughing from her assumption. "I'll tell you in the car, alright?"
   She nods her head in frustration before pushing past me and opening the door.
"Oh. Can I drive this time?" She asks, turning around, walking backwards out the door.
  "Oh god. Nini..I don't think that's a good idea." I respond.
  "What? How is that not a good idea? You've been driving this whole time, it might be better for me to take over at least once this time."
I give a large sigh before taking the key out of my pocket and handing it to her.
"If I die tonight..." I tell her quietly as we walk out the door.
"You aren't going to die. Calm down. Plus, your the idiot who didn't know how to start the damn thing."
Shit she's right.
"Fair enough.."

"Are you going to tell me or not?" She asks, slamming the keys onto the table. "You said it wasn't a big deal but you seem a little fucked up."
"What? No! Nini I didn't want to say it in the car because you were busy yelling at the car that was 7 vehicles ahead of us. And don't..put the keys so hard down onto the table." I responds, grabbing the keys and checking if it's fine.
"The guy didn't know how to drive, can you blame me? And I'm fine now, so what's up?"
"Hunter," I say sighing, " I asked him if he and Willow were together. Not only did I know they weren't, but he responded in the shittest way a 15 year old possibly could."
"Which was..?"
"He called her a duff, you know the movie?, and he kept saying how he had whores waiting in line for him and he wished some other girl got Willows part. He basically said, and I quote, 'No, I don't do girlfriends. Can't say I haven't had a girl or 2 over, I swear they fall for everything.' He was just..disrespecting girls and I just..I wasn't put up for it. So I-..."
"So you...?"
"So...ISortOfPinnedHimUpAgainstAWallAndM-aybeOrMaybeNotHaveThreatenedHim?" I respond extremely quickly, playing with my hands.
"Ricky..what the fuck..did you say to him?" She asks, standing up straight.
"I mean it wasn't a I'm gonna hurt you threat. I just threatened to tell Ms Jenn to find another Troy. And I may or May not've gave him a full respect women talk.."
Nini immediately smacks her forehead in the thought.
"A-and you started the conversation?.." she asks, leaning on a chair, hand still remaining on her head.
"Yup.." I say, trying to sound innocent.
"Aw shit Ricky," she says forcing a laugh, "your going to get thrown into jail I swear."
"What? Nini, come on. It's fine. It's not that serious." I defend, walking up to her.
"You laid a hand on a minor..Ricky." She says, raising her head, but still resting on the chair. "He could easily report you."
"That doesn't mean he will. And I couldn't care less, he deserved it." I say, pushing in the chair she was leaning on.
"He's a 15 year old! He doesn't know anything. No matter what he said, you don't lay a hand on the guy!" She yells, standing extremely close to me, causing me to look down at her.
I scoff at her response.
"That wasn't even half of what he said Nini!" I shout, raising a hand in astonishment of her sentence.
She flinches, and ducks her head before coming to a realization of what she was doing. My head immediately goes to thoughts I didn't know were put in my head.
"You..you alright?" I ask softly, putting my hand down.
She raises her head and clears her throat.
"Uh..yeah. Sorry I-. I'm tired. I'm gonna..go..to bed." She replies in a scared manor. She turns around slowly before making her way into her room, and I could do nothing but watch the figure walk away from me.
I think I just fucked up.

So, I finished this way earlier than I thought, and I decided to not release this till the 7th day mark along with the other 2 chapters I plant to write in the mean time. You'll be seeing this on the 7th day and I'll be releasing all 3 chapters on the 7th day. I don't want you guys to be sick of reading this since it's a lot. I recommend to pace yourself after this chapter with the next 2 chapters unless your intrigued😁

(These are going to be within the time frame of who saved. If you don't see your name this chapter, it will be in the next 2. Don't worry!)

Shoutout to:
For saving my story into their Libraries!

Word count: 2652

Enjoy your day or night!

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