Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

My parents spent the whole day getting ready for the party. Personally, I think it's a bit stupid to have a party celebrating our return so quickly. I was still adjusting to being allowed out of the house without permission. Whenever I noticed I was near a door I moved away from it, thinking I was going to get slapped. I thought we needed time to get back to our old selves but mum had other plans. She says it's best to try and get back on the horse. She always used expressions like that to try and confuse me so she will get her way. Adam came round at about twelve to see how I was. I could see the nervousness in his eyes, dad probably told him about last night. That's another reason I thought we should have held off the party for a bit. It was obvious I wasn't okay, I was seeing things for goodness sake. What normal person sees things that aren't there? I clearly needed therapy but mum wasn't listening. Adam helped me into my room where he sat me on my bed while going through my wardrobe.

"Is there something you're looking for?" I asked sarcastically. 

Adam turned around with an evil grin on his face holding some of my underwear.

"I'm going to decide what you're wearing tonight." Adam answered. 

He was giving me his cheeky smirk. Whenever he smirks like that, he has a plan and it was normally evil.

"Sorry babe but I've already decided what I'm going to wear," I beamed. I knew what his plan was. I surprisingly caught on very quickly. Adam's face dropped. "would you like to see?" Adam's face lit up.

"Well only if you want."

"Well if you're not that bothered I won't." I assured him. 

I got up and started to walk to my bathroom with a smirk on my face. Adam rushed behind me before I could walk more than ten centimetres. He grabbed my shoulders and propelled me back onto my bed.

"Julie I would love to see what you're wearing to your party tonight." Adam approved.

"Well if you're sure." I whispered. I pressed my lips against his having the instant need to be with him. After what seemed like seconds but was probably minutes we parted. I slowly got up and undressed until I was in my underwear. Adam had to help me remove my top and trousers but sat down when he was done. Adam's eyes were glued onto me, he couldn't take his eyes off of me even if he wanted to. I slowly slipped on my dress that I was going to wear to my party tonight. It was a turquoise dress with a turquoise flower where the belt should be. I slipped on my black heels to complete the look.

"Wow, you look beautiful!" Adam commented. 

Just him looking at me made me feel special. I felt myself blush as my cheeks were burning.

"Thank you." I whispered and sat down next to him. 

Adam slowly came towards me just like the first time we kissed. I felt his soft lips graze against mine and I knew I had to have more. I could never get enough of him. An hour later Adam had to leave so he could get ready for the party. My walking was getting much better as I was able to walk with Adam to the door without anyone helping me. Once Adam was gone I started getting ready for the party or as mum put it 'the biggest event of the year'.

It's seven o'clock and the party started an hour ago. I was already too tired to stand. I sat down in the nearest available seat. At least seven people had come over to me asking how I was doing. Sparkly silver shoes appeared in front of me. I looked up to see my best friend Willow.

"Oh my God Willow." I screamed as I grabbed her into a hug.

"Oh my goodness I've missed you. As soon as I found out that you were missing I started harassing the police for information," Willow informed me. I smiled at Willow not being able to say anything. That was exactly like Willow to go around harassing people to get the information she wanted. I know she's done that to me many times. "so what actually happened out there? The police are refusing to give out information, the press is making up rubbish as usual and then there's the little diva twits of the school."

"Willow I can't talk about it." I admitted.

"You can't bottle this up Julie." Willow argued.

"I'm just not ready to talk about it yet. When I'm ready to talk, you will be the first person I go to," I promised. It was the best I could say at this point. I was nowhere near ready to talk. Plus I had this horrible feeling it wasn't over. Probably because I was seeing things. "wait, what are the diva twits saying?" I probably shouldn't know but my curiosity got the better of me.

"It's nothing." Willow urged. 

She was keeping it from me. How bad was it? Oh well, she's going to lose if she thinks she can keep it from me.

"Willow tell me!" I demanded. 

I gave her my most frightening look. Just as I expected, she crumbled.

"Okay fine. They're saying that you made the whole thing up and you was just seeking attention from everyone." Willow informed me. 

Well I can't say that didn't upset me but it was just so typical of them. If they're not the centre of attention for even a second they plot their revenge. It's ridiculous and shallow!

"Well, that's rich coming from them." I joked. 

Willow's worried expression turned into a smile. We both laughed together.

I looked out into the crowd and saw a familiar leather jacket. I bounced up suddenly filled with energy. I looked back at Willow, she gave me two thumbs up and a huge smile. I silently laughed to myself. I could always count on Willow to make me feel better. I came face to face with the person wearing the familiar leather jacket.

"I never thanked you did I?" the thought only occurring to me now.

"No, I don't think you did." Adam agreed with a huge smile on his face.

"Adam thank you for saving me. Who knows what could have happened if you were a second later." I blurted.

"No problem gorgeous." Adam bragged while pulling me towards him so we could dance together.

After a while, I pulled him towards me so I could engulf him. I couldn't help it. I had almost lost him, there's no way I was going to waste any more time with him, every second counts.

Before the end of the night, I had talked to everyone and listened to them go on about me going to see a therapist if I needed to. That's always nice to go home to. I knew I should probably see one but that doesn't mean I need my friends and family telling me that. I blanked out for most of it just saying 'thank you' and 'I will if I feel like I'm going crazy'. To tell everyone the party was over I stood on our staircase and asked for everyone's attention.

"I would like to thank everyone for coming tonight. I know it means a lot to me and my family that you're here to support us during this difficult time. A lot of you have been asking me and my parents what happened out there in Russia but rest assured when my family and I are ready to talk about what happened, you will hear it." I bellowed. I started to scan the crowd seeing all these familiar faces "it's so lovely to see..." I froze on the spot.

That man by the door, I had seen him before. He was the man that lead me to my parents in the dungeons on that first day. He had the same features, the same build. He was un-mistakable to me as well as Agna and Uri. They all worked for Artur. Dad turned to where my eyes had become glued to and raced towards me.

" many people here tonight. But unfortunately, every good night must come to an end. Good night and safe journeys to you all." Dad finished off for me. I gulped as the man looked at me and smirked. He was coming for me, I felt it in my gut. I was right, this wasn't the end.

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