Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I was surrounded by millions of dancing snowflakes. All I could see for miles was the beautiful white blanket lying on the mountain. I could hear the harsh winds blowing all around me, the invisible force trying to push me down. Mum, dad and I were on holiday in Russia. Mum and dad wanted to get away from everyone and spend some quality time together as a family. I was against it from the start, I didn't want to be away from Adam and all my friends! But my parents forced me to go, although they did pick a nice place to stay. We had a villa near the mountains and a ski resort. The villa wasn't part of the ski resort but we managed to get a special deal. Although we wanted to be on our own out here, we did make a few friends at the resort. We'd race them down the ski course. Whoever lost would have to pay for dinner. Unfortunately, that was normally me. Mum suggested we'd take a hike up the mountain earlier this morning. Dad and I were dead against the idea but she managed to convince us. I have to say the hike was definitely worth the view. We were on our own for miles, complete isolation, at least that's what we thought.

We were all enjoying our adventurous hike up the steep mountain. We were in solitude and surprisingly, I enjoyed it. Although the view was the main reason. The locals say the views from the top of the mountains were beautiful. I can say, hand on heart, they're right. From where I currently was on the mountain, I could see a quaint little village that was surrounded by snow. Then it looked like the snowy terrain went on forever, taking over everything it touched. It was breathtaking. As I was taking in the gorgeous view, my phone started vibrating underneath my three sweaters and insulating coat. I reached into my coat pocket and put my headpiece in to answer the incoming call.

"Hello?" I asked unsure of who was calling. The only downside to a Bluetooth headset, you didn't know who was calling you.

"Why hello, my gorgeous girlfriend," Adam replied. A smile automatically lit up on my face. He always had that effect on me, even when I was sad "how's the holiday?"

"Well, I'm currently walking up the biggest mountain in Russia, in the middle of their winter." I answered.

"Whoa. You're right. Your family is adventurous." Adam quoted. He didn't believe me when I said that we were an adventurous family. When I asked him why he said that I was too much of a girly girl. I wanted to prove him wrong about that and I did. I loved it when I proved him wrong, it always left him speechless and in the question of who wore the trousers in our relationship.

"We try." I replied sounding smug.

"When are you coming back?" Adam asked in a whiny tone.

"Why, miss me already?" I asked teasingly.

"Yes. So what day are you back?" Adam answered, ending the teasing.

"In three days time." I replied.

"Okay. I can't wait till then!"

"You're not going to pick us up from the airport again are you?"

"Of course, I am! I need to show you how much of a good driver I am."

"So to welcome me back home you're going to try and kill me and my family in your car?"

"You're hilarious." Adam said in a bored voice.

"I know." I chirped.

"Right I have to go. I love you!" Adam shouted.

"I love you too!" I shouted back.

I ended the call and put the headpiece back into my coat pocket. My parents turned around to look at me, with huge grins on their faces. I could tell by their eyes that they were happy for me. I had finally found someone who was interested in me for me and not my family's wealth. After a while of my parents whispering to each other and staring at me with the same huge grins, I had to tell them they were starting to creep me out. 

"If you're going to keep staring at me like that, let me know, I can prepare for the creepiness." I stated sarcastically.

"Sorry." my parents apologised in sync, although my dad didn't look very sorry, with that ridiculously grin still on his face.

I was lucky my parents liked Adam as much as they did. From the moment my parents first met him, they got on with him. Of course, it wasn't that hard to believe when he kept kissing up to them. Whenever mum and I got into a debate about something, he'd always take mum's side, even when I was right. The few times I proved mum wrong Adam would always say that he knew I was right, he was just trying to be kind to my mum by not making her feel like she was stupid. That was just one of the ways he kissed up to my mum. It was annoying but it meant my parents liked him so I lived with it.

"You know we came out here to get away from people?" My mum asked teasingly.

"Yes, but if I recall I said I didn't want to stay away from my boyfriend and my friends." I answered back with a sheepish grin on my face. My mum and dad burst out laughing. I have to say I felt uncomfortable but I was probably just being a typical teenager in their eyes. Always moaning, fighting back and being rebellious. I walked on ahead of them to try and get them to hurry up. It was really cold outside and it was starting to get to me.

After a few minutes, I couldn't hear my parents talking anymore, I turned around to see no-one there. I turned three hundred and sixty degrees in the snow and I still couldn't see them. I retraced my steps to look for my parents, maybe they fell somewhere. After another minutes or so, I heard the soft sound of crunching snow. I signed in relief, thinking it was my parents coming to find me. I slowly turned round to see someone right behind me, just a few metres away. They had a balaclava and snow goggles on so I couldn't see their face or eyes. A horrible feeling rapidly grew in my stomach, this person wasn't my mum or my dad. How could they have even got this far up the mountain without me or my parents noticing?

"Who are you?" I asked shyly.

They just stood there. The hairs on my arms were standing up. I suddenly felt really cold. I turned to look for my parents one more time but they had gone. They had disappeared. How could someone disappear on a mountain? My heart rate increased dramatically.

"What have you done with my parents?" I demanded to know. However, the figure just stood there, towering over me. Then the mysterious man or woman hit me round the head with a hard object, knocking me out, forcing me into a deep unconscious sleep. My last conscious moments were feeling the cold snow against my skin as I was being dragged away down the mountain.

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