Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

The next day I woke up from my forced sleep not remembering much. The last thing I remember was the police asking me questions about the kidnapping. There was something at the back of my mind about being scared but I guess that must have been from telling the police what happened. My doctor was the first person to see that I was up this time, he ran all the usual tests on me. He said we would get the result back in a couple of days time. In the meantime, I was allowed visitors to keep me entertained. I definitely had unwanted visitors; I had many people come to me for interviews for magazines, newspapers and the news. Adam forced them all to leave after ten minutes. I really can call him my knight in shining armour after everything that has happened. He has done so much for me, if the situation was reversed I don't know what I would have done. A couple of days later we received the test results, I was perfectly healthy apart from the stab wound in my side but at least there's no infection. My doctor told me how to take my medication and that I was free to leave. My parents bought four plane tickets as soon as they could.

A few days later I was back in the United Kingdom, where I belong. There were reporters all over the airport, luckily I had the police to keep me away from them and to escort my family, Adam and me to our car. The reporters were like a swarm of insects, there's never just one on their own. Adam was by my side every step of the way. When we got to my house I parted from him so he could go home and unpack. That's when I realised I had nothing to unpack, Artur still had all my clothes and I don't know what happened to the ones in the hotel I stayed in before all this happened. Oh well, I could live without them, I'll just bother mum until we go on a shopping spree. An hour later Adam knocked on my bedroom door. I opened the door to find him leaning on the door frame with a bunch of flowers in his hand.

"Hey beautiful." Adam chirped.

"Hey handsome." I laughed as I took the flowers and put them on my desk.

"So what do you wanna do?" Adam asked with a cheeky gleam in his eye while he shut the door.

"You tell me." I answered with a mischievous grin on my face.

"Okay." Adam beamed.

I yelped as Adam pushed me onto my bed with him falling on top of me. He tickled me until I couldn't breathe and then we just ended up in a fit of laughter.

"I love you, Julie." Adam whispered.

"I love you too." I replied with a warm smile on my face.

Adam looked at my lips for a couple of seconds before leaning into me. He leant in about half way before he stopped. We both looked into each other's eyes before I closed the distance between us. Normally I would feel a little excitement when Adam and I kissed but that changed. I felt a lot more now, it was like we both suddenly had more passion, more love, more hope for one another. I guess being kidnapped and almost married to a dangerous man will do that to you. I didn't care how things changed, I liked this new feeling.

A couple of hours later Adam's parents came to pick him up. Mum answered the door, greeted them and let them in.

"We're having a party tomorrow to celebrate our return without any permanent damage. I would like you two to be there. If it wasn't for your son then horrible things would have happened!" Mum urged.

"We'd be delighted to go." Adam's mum agreed.

"See you tomorrow at six." Mum affirmed.

Adam walked up to his parents and stood by them. I slowly walked up to everyone clutching my stab wound. Dad came along, wrapped his arm around me and kissed my head. Adam thanked my parents for letting him stay and then they left. Dad helped me to my room as I still had difficulty walking.

When I got to my room I said goodnight to my parents and got ready for bed. I went into the bathroom and cleaned my teeth. I glanced at the mirror and saw Artur standing behind me about to place his hand on my shoulder. I screamed as loud as I could and rapidly turned around. Pain coursed through my body as I stretched my stitches but it was for nothing as no-one was there. Dad kicked down the door and looked round. All he saw was me collapsed on the floor crying. Mum shoved her way to me and hugged me as best as she could to try and stop me from crying but it didn't work. The tears came rushing out naturally.

"What happened darling?" Dad asked worried.

"I saw him. He was right behind me!" I blurted.

"No-one's there dear," Mum insisted "you should get some sleep!"

They pulled me into my bed and helped me get comfortable. As soon as my head hit the pillow I fell straight asleep. It had to be a reflection of my tiredness. There was no way Artur could have actually been behind me but there was something scratching the back of my mind. It was something about Artur and a hospital. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't put my finger on it. I just assume that it wasn't important.

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