Chapter 9: Totally Interesting Kangaroo Hunters!

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I woke up in a cold sweat, breathing heavy. I looked around to make sure that I was actually alone and that something from my dream hadn't followed me into reality. I snoozed the alarm that I had forgotten to turn off last night. Thankfully it was the weekend. I tried to take some calming breaths but I just kept remembering the figure standing there, muttering the same three words. Trust no one.  I shivered, pulling the blankets closer around me. The dream had just felt so real...

I woke up in my bed, feeling perfectly rested. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and lightly stepped out of bed. I walked out my door and into the living room to find that there was no living room. It was gone. In place of it was a dark chasm that was attached to a cliff that my room rested on. The surrounding area looked like pictures of space that I had seen. I yelled out, trying to see if anyone was there with me, but no one responded. I looked around, trying to see anything that would explain where I was. 

And that was when they appeared. The figure who's countenance seemed so familiar but I was so sure that I had never seen them before. I wasn't sure if they were male or female because a dark cloud of mist covered their face. They muttered the phrase that sent shivers throughout all of my body. "Trust no one." All of a sudden a bridge appeared across the black pit, leading to somewhere deep into the black fog that surrounded everything. I decided I would rather take my chances on a questionable path then with this creep. 

I ran as fast as I could across the chasm. My heart felt like it was going to leap out of my chest even though I was actually sleeping. My feet pounded across the not very sturdy bridge, pushing myself faster and faster until-

Nothing. Just another pit. I looked around again, trying to see if there was another way out of this place. And then the figure again, walking slowly towards me. "Trust no one," they muttered in a slightly raspy voice. I slowly backed away from them, stopping at the edge of the cliff like the first time. And then the bridge appeared again, and I raced across equally as fast. I got to the edge. Then figure eased towards me. "Trust no one." The bridge. The edge. The figure. "Trust no one." The bridge. The edge. The figure. "Trust no one." The bridge. Again and again, I repeated the same thing over and over again. "Trust no one."  They reached out a wrinkled hand towards me. I was frozen. I couldn't do anything. They inched closer and closer, almost touching me. I knew that I had seen them before. I knew them. My fear melted away and was replaced with curiosity. I stepped closer to them, reaching out my own hand. I knew if I could just touch them, I would know. I stretched out my hand as far as it would reach. We were just inches away. They were so close-and then I woke up.

I shook off the feeling of terror that accompanied the dream. That person, I knew them! And yet I couldn't get to them. That I think was the scariest part. I kept telling myself that people have vivid nightmares all the time, and this was just one of those cases. I had had a very weird day yesterday and my brain was just processing. Yes, that was it. But I still couldn't help but feel like my dream was trying to tell me something. That phrase was literally repeated like 20 times. I shook my head in an attempt to get rid of the thoughts that circled in my brain. It didn't work.

I stepped out of bed, shaking slightly. I maneuvered over the piles of who knows what that were all over my floor and exited the room. Thankfully, I wasn't at the edge of a cliff, and I just saw a regular living room. I sat down at the table and ate a bowl of Frosted Mini Wheats, pondering if the dream was just that, a dream, or a vision of some sort. My phone buzzed, and I saw it was Jaquellen. 

Want to hang out today? I want to go see the new movie Totally Interesting Kangaroo Hunters. It starts at 11:30, and I want to get there a little early for snacks, so meet me at the theater a few minutes early. Text me back when you get this so I can know if today would work or if we should go another time!

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