Chapter 4: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention...magic is totally real.

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We walked through the forest in awkward silence, even though I had a million questions racing through my head. Where were we going? What was with the trees? Who were these people who I thought I knew so well? I glanced over at them. They were both looking straight ahead, focused on wherever we were going. My legs burned from walking so fast for so long. 

Kort stopped abruptly. We were in a small clearing with a bunch of ancient trees that had tipped over. He looked around and said, "We can stop here for now. We need to explain some things to you."

Well, obviously, I thought. But I didn't say it out loud. Kort still seemed a little ticked off. He sat down on a huge log and motioned for me and Jaquellen to do the same. He blew out through his lips and put his face in his hands. "This is gonna be fun," he mumbled.He sat up straight. "Okay, first things first. I don't want you thinking that you are some weird, inhuman species, because you aren't. We are all one hundred percent human, nothing else. But we are from somewhere else. And we have gifts of sorts."

"Oh great," I mumbled. "So I have a special, magical gift and I can blow things up now. Yay."Jaquellen turned to me. 

"Yay is right!" She said. "Do you realize how cool this is? Do you know how many kids dream of being like us? A lot. That's how many. Like, we are so lucky!"

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever you say." Then I turned to Kort. "What is your gift?"

He smiled. "I can teleport," he said as casually as if he were talking about the weather.

My jaw dropped for the millionth time that day. "What?!? No fair! So you could, like, go to Africa right now if you wanted to?"He shook his head. 

"Not exactly. See, we have to train our gifts. If I tried going to Africa right now, then I would only make it about 15 miles from here and stop. My gift has only been trained so much. If I use it too much, then I collapse and my energy is drained. Once I tried to teleport to school when I was running behind...let's just say I was a little late. It takes a while for it to 'recharge'. Even then, I am still tired and sore the next day." He looked at me and frowned. "So what I don't get is why you aren't tired. You blew up a whole statue without any training and yet you are perfectly fine. That doesn't happen."

"Is that bad?" I asked. I didn't want to be the new person in... wherever we were going, who was also a freak. But knowing me, I probably was.Kort looked at Jaquellen. 

"I'm not sure. But probably not. Everything is going to be okay, alright?" He looked back at me and smiled. I blushed.

Jaquellen rolled her eyes. "Are you gonna tell her what we're doing? She's probably like, 'what the heck?' right now."

"Yeah, I was just about to. So," he asked me. "what do you want to know first?"I looked at him earnestly. "Everything."

Sorry this is such a short and boring chapter. I couldn't think.

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