3. Someone and Fire

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I was too absorbed in my work to notice when she slipped back into the room. I was made aware only when she kept a glass of water in front of me. Does this woman even have an ounce of brain?

"I am really sorry Dex. Please have water." She said softly.

"How about you drown in some?" I muttered.

She stood there for sometime.

Ughgh. I finally looked up at her. I wish the fury in my eyes just makes her leave.

"I am sorry." She held her ears, a small smile lingering over her face.

I heaved out.
"You should be." I spat before continuing my work. Without concentration.

Did she just apologise? After I shouted at her? I blinked.

She should have so she did. Don't think to much Ter.

I never realised that I could get up without an alarm. I thought as I turned on the bed, thee white light from the Windows hit my face and I abruptly looked beside me before stretching to my heart's content. Ha! The tall figure with little brain was not there.

I picked up my phone to check on the time.

"What the ****?" I screamed. It was nine-effing-thirty. I unlocked my phone as I heard a soft mumbling in the washroom.

Someone had switched off my alarm because there was no such notification showing time left for snooze. Someone.

Her voice grew louder as I walked over to the door of the restroom. I gave it a hard knock.

No response as she continued singing, accompanied by the not-so-pleasant-right-now sound of shower.

I banged again. Louder.

"Yes?" She turned the shower off  as it seemed.

"Come out quickly!" I shouted.

"Dex? I have just began showering honey. It will take ten minutes more. Good morning though!" She chirped from inside.

"I am telling you again. Make it quick be use trust me, no amount of scrubbing that disgustingly filthy body of yours is going to rid you of filth." I snapped.

What the hell man!

I threw my head back in agitation. How could she do this? I have my meeting from ten. It was nine thirty six already. Even if I skipped breakfast and gym, I would still reach earliest by ten-twenty or so.
This woman is going to get it from me nicely.

"Hello? Lawrence?" I said on the phone.

"Good morning sir. I hope you are about to reach?" He asked sceptically.

"No.. Is there a possibility that the meeting can be rescheduled for a little late?" I asked.

"Right sir? Sorry.. I mean no. It's too late for that? What happened?" He asked.
"I will be a little late." I spoke, pulling my hair.
"I'll try to manage then sir." He replied. I cut the call.
I hurriedly took out my clothes and grabbed my towel from the closet.
Few minutes later, she emerged.

"You are going to pay for this. Just wait." I spat rushing into the washroom, throwing her stupid self, with hair tied in towel, a wicked glance.

I checked the time. It was ten five and I was ready. I took the file from my study and rushed downstairs.

She as sitting at the breakfast table with Hugh.

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