Chapter 81: Mending

Start from the beginning

"Many things has happened. Our biggest secret was revealed.... in the worst way possible. But, we cannot forget the fact that we are still on an expedition for our school."

Erwin paused, taking another deep breath before continuing. "Will everyone agree to momentarily put everything behind us to finish this expedition first? I promise, we can discuss and figure out all of this once we return, but for the mean time..."

Everyone was quiet, each person silently pondering their decision for Erwin's suggestion. It was Armin who spoke up first. "That... sounds like a good idea. We can just... focus on the expedition for now. Everything else... later."

"It sounds good to me," Petra murmured, glancing at me. "Eren?....(Y/N)?"

"I'm fine with it." Eren replied shortly.

I brought my eyes down, realising that everyone's gaze was now on me. As I closed my eyes to decide, Erwin's words suddenly began echoing in my head. Hearing his desperate voice reverberate in my mind again pushed me to make my final decision.

"...Alright." The words flew from of my mouth, coming out as barely a whisper.

"Are you sure?" Petra asked, double-checking my choice.

I opened my eyes and gave her a firm nod. "Yes, I'm sure."

The ghost of a smile lingered on Erwin's lips as he gave a thankful nod in my direction. "And everyone else agrees?"

A hum rose from amongst us as we all murmured our agreement to the plan. "Then that settles it. Tomorrow we will continue surveying the land as scheduled. Thank you all for your cooperation. Everyone is free to do whatever they want for the remaining hours of this day."

Satisfied with the decision made, Erwin stood up and left to his room, followed by Hanji closely. Petra took my hand, gently dragging me up from my chair. "C'mon, let's go back to our room."

"Wait," a voice called out, stopping our tracks.

I turned around, slightly surprised to see Levi making his way towards us.

"Can we talk?" Levi asked, his voice low and soft. Tension in the air quickly thickened as the last person I wished to be around approached me. I glanced at Petra, who merely shrugged her shoulders.

"Alright." I reluctantly nodded, taking my hand from Petra's grasp and instead crossing my arms. "Go ahead."

An awkward moment of silence fell over us as nobody uttered a word and simply stared at each other. Levi's eyebrows furrowed from frustration as he brought his steel eyes to Petra's direction. "In private."

Beside me, Petra's hazel eyes narrowed dangerously as she leaned to my ear and whispered her concerns. "Are you going to be okay?"

After a few moments of deliberating, I let out a low sigh and nodded my head. It seemed Petra was still unsure whether to leave my side or not since she remained beside me for a few heartbeats. At last, she gave me a pat on my shoulder before turning on her heels and walking away, back to our room, I presume.

I brought my now full attention back to Levi, who's eyes trailed Petra as she retreated to her chambers. His unwavering gaze returned to me; hard, steel eyes immediately softening once meeting mine.

"How about we go outside?" Levi suggested, making my eyebrows scrunch from the many emotions that came with his suggestion. Levi quickly realized this as he added, "Just on the porch."

My uninjured arm moved to protect my 'injured' one by instinct as I hesitantly accepted his offer. Levi's sharp eyes didn't miss my sudden shift of position, though he didn't react much from it.

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