The 5 Gates

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Inko was the single mother of Izuku Midoriya; a happy and energetic boy who had a little more courage than she would have liked since he was always getting into situations that made her worry.

But she knew that he could take care of himself. He was more mature than the average kid his age and was always able to know when something was wrong. She made sure to teach him how to stay safe, and especially to not play with knives.

So, when she entered through the front door of her home and saw that Midoriya had a kitchen knife in his mouth, she did the only reasonable thing any mother would do.



Because of his newly enhanced hearing, the noise scared Midoriya more than it should have, making him jump and bite down.

Inko was on him in an instant, to worried to notice her son's different appearance. She used her quirk to pull the knife out of his hand as it flew to the side, also not noticing that it was missing most of the blade.

"Are you okay, are you hurt!? Izuku answer me!"

He wanted to, but he wasn't sure how his mother would react to him opening his mouth to reveal the sharp metal that she thought she had thrown away.

"Izuku, please, I need to know if you are okay. Sweetie?"

Aw crap, she was making that face; the one she used when Midoriya told her about what kind of adventures he and Katsuki used to go on.
Midoriya gave a look of defeat, and simply opened his mouth. Inko went to check for any cuts or blood but stopped. Midoriya thought that she was looking at the knife, wondering how it was still in his mouth.

But, Inko wasn't. In fact, she was staring at his teeth. There wasn't a single one that was flat, each had a point that could tear through almost anything he sank them into.

Inko calmed down ever so slightly, seeing that he had not hurt himself, and once again, used her quirk to pull out the blade.

She carefully grabbed it, when it was completely out of Izuku's mouth and studied it. The part where the knife was connected had definite teeth marks.

"Mom", Inko looked to Izuku who was smiling pure sunshine. "I got my quirk".

*Time Skip*
6 years

Izuku was sitting in his room, thinking very hard. But no matter how hard he tried; he couldn't come up with anything. Then he looked to his desk and saw the notebook.

My Quirk Analyses/Journal

He walked over and picked it up, "Maybe I need a refresher". He sat down in his chair, opened the book, and recapped what he had written down over the years.

Even though Izuku was only 10, the last 6 years of his life have been the best. The day after he got his quirk, Inko had talked to Izuku about going to see a quirk counselor. The idea that Izuku quickly disregarded for two reasons; one, he wanted the full luxury of learning about his quirk himself, and two, he wasn't dumb. He watched the hero news every chance he got, and lately, there has been a sudden increase in the kidnapping of children with strong quirks. So, the two of them agreed to keep silent about Izuku's power.

He ended up explaining his quirk as a normal wolf mutation to the class. Even though it was lame compared to what it really was, it was still a much more impressive quirk compared to the rest of the students. And they all believed him, all except one.

Bakugo and his gang had quit bullying entirely after they made their promise, the goons went back to normal bratty kids while Bakugo adopted the 'silent cool guy' role. And whenever anyone mentioned the change in his behavior, he responded with the usual 'whatever'.

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