Chapter 06: The Royal Poison

Start from the beginning

Crona flinched, eyes darting about slightly, before the man let go, and gestured for his swordsman to follow him over to the car. The pink haired duelist got into the passenger seat, and the prince sped off, to the road that Crona wished he could forget. He gripped his arm, and kept his legs tightly together, looking up at the stars, missing the sky he once knew. “You remember this road don't you? This was where we first met” Akio told the duelist. Crona's eyes closed halfway, a blank expression on his face “yeah, I know” he answered flatly. “So Crona, what did you think of my fiancé?” he asked glancing over. Crona glanced at him slightly, before he lay back boredly “she's nice I guess, not sure I approve of the way you treat her though” Crona answered.

Akio glanced at him “I'm not sure I know what you mean Crona” he lied. Crona's grip on the seat tightened, and he glared at Akio briefly. “So, let me get this straight, she's not able to satisfy you, so you come after me? What kind of man are you?” Crona spoke suddenly. Akio glared at him out of the corner of his eye “watch your tone Crona, you are in no position to judge me on the matter, as I recall, you had sex with an engaged man, so you're just as guilty as me” he explained a harsh essence in his tone. Crona glared murderously, as he felt a dark rage coursing through him. “But that doesn't” Crona began “doesn't what Crona? Just admit it, you know you loved it” Akio spoke maliciously.

Crona's cheeks burned a dark crimson, in both shame and rage. “You raped me!” Crona snapped “how can you say that Crona, if I recall correctly, you were moaning in my hands, you let me even cum inside your body, so how can you call it something as vile as that?” Akio asked. “I begged you to stop didn't I?” Crona began, before turning to face him angrily “that makes what you did to me wrong” he snapped. Akio raised an arm abruptly at the swordsman’s comment, causing Crona to flinch.  

“I should smack you for such disrespect, but I'm going to forgive you this time, but keep it up, and I Will punish you again, and it Will be worse” he told the boy sternly, before he shifted gears. Crona paled and clung to the edge of the car, wanting to get away from the prince. “N, no, I don't want that” he confessed “then watch what you say” Akio scolded, making the car go faster, seeming irate now. 'Great going idiot, now he's mad at us, do you want him to seal me away again?!' he heard a voice scream in his head 'Ragnarok?!' Crona thought, as he looked at the floorboards. “I'm sorry Crona, I don't mean to be soo harsh on you, I only do it, because I care about you, you're very important to me Crona” the man told him, Crona blushed and looked at him, his body shivering.

Akio began speeding worse, as Crona's pink locks began to whip about, as did his clothes. At least this time, he didn't have to keep his skirt from flying up, and rested his arms over the car door panel, before resting his head over it sulkingly, before he suddenly spotted something, and his crimson eyes widened in shock and horror, feeling as though his heart would stop. Kid sighed and turned his back, and was about to go back to the others, when suddenly the sound of a motor caught his attention. The young reaper whirled around and jumped slightly, right as a red convertible rushed past him, causing him to shield his face with his arms. As the car passed him, he turned to look in the direction of it, and soon his golden spheres widened. “Wha, wait, wha, was that? N, no, it can't be, Crona?!” he blurted out, before looking back to the others, and summoned the skateboard, before hopped on. 'I have to be sure' he thought to himself, as the skateboard swiftly glided after the vehicle.

Crona hoped he hadn't been spotted, but soon he saw Kid’s image in the rearview mirror, as his heart then began pulsing in dread. 'No, Kid stop, don't come after me, stay away' he thought desperately, and gripped the roots of his hair shaking. 'No, no, this can't be happening, if the prince sees Death the Kid, who knows what he'll do to him, what do I do? I have to make him go away, before the chairman notices, but how? I can't handle this right now' Crona thought frantically. He tried to figure out what to do, before suddenly noticing Akio glancing over, and thinking quickly, he grabbed Akio by the shirt. “You know, I’ve thought about it, and master” he began, making his cheeks flush, looking up at him pleadingly.

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