(Final) 4 Times Loki gave something and the one time she got something

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There were very few times Loki ever had to herself. While she had 'alone time' in the sense that no one was physically presently interacting with her, Loki was always under constant surveillance and monitoring by others.

During her first trips to the café, she was always followed. Granted, she was quite aware of their presence, but it didn't affect her much so she really didn't care.

There were things she cared deeply for, though. Things she didn't want to admit, even if you put a gun to her head.

Others' eyes were always a deterrent for things she really wanted. She had grown up learning that her thoughts and needs were second to others. Her needs and thoughts were also often different from the ideals of those she hung around.

In short, all her life she was different. Shocking, I know.

After a long contemplation about the gift she was going to give to Peter, Loki made her way through the tower in an attempt to find her br- to find Thor. She was in need of a certain fabric not available on Midgard and needed his permission (and by extent Heimdall's) to go. Even then, she was under direct supervision from Heimdall at all times. Anything fishy was immediately reported.

Loki explained her need for another trip once Thor was found. While he attempted to ask what the off-world items were for, Loki always gave him as little detail as possible. Partially because she didn't want him spoiling the gifts. Also because she didn't really want them to know she cared. She didn't care. Idiot!

"So, what is it you wish for Yule? Or Christmas, I suppose," Thor had asked. Previously, she had not wanted anything at all.

Despite their many failings as a family, the holidays were always fine for Loki. A time everyone got together despite differences. No judgment.

In truth, that was all she wanted. Something she believed she could never have again.

So, the one thing she asked Thor for was an hour alone. No escort, no Heimdall, no security. (And, no, before you make dirty jokes. Not THAT kind of escort)

Of course, Thor was not in any position to make that big of a decision. In the days leading up to the Christmas party, (funnily enough taking place on Yule, the winter solstice), Thor had talked about it with the other Avengers, meanwhile SHIELD was left blissfully unaware, as no doubt they would never agree to such a thing.

Aside from Peter, Tony was the one Loki hung out with the most, and the most likely person Loki would open up to.

"So, got any plans for Christmas?" Tony slowly monitored the speed on the treadmill Loki currently ran on, looking to measure her top speeds and comparing them to humans. "Pointbreak mentioned you wanted to take a little Christmas with the Kranks style vacation. What's that about?"

The treadmill shut down, leaving Loki the ability to speak properly. "Just a quick night on my own. No offence to you and your..." she paused, trying to find the right word, "eccentricities, but it does get suffocating in here."

Tony mingled with the data on the screen he held, "And why without Asagrd's Eye in the Sky? He probably won't be up in your business. Any plans to destroy the world a second time? Throw someone else out a window for once?"

Loki Rolled Her Eyes™ and undid her ponytail. "For the record, I never sought to destroy the world, that's just plain stupid. Secondly, this something... personal and none of your, nor Heimdall's, business." With that, she shut the gymnasium doors and returned to her room.

"Sooo, what do you want for Christmas?" Peter asked, following a Christmas vine compilation they had just finished while sitting on his bed. Loki let out a sigh.
"This is about my request, isn't it?"

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