Chapter 1

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Louis wakes up with a jerk. He sits up looking around confused as to why he was asleep on the couch then it hits him like a tone of bricks, After he got home he grabbed his chocolate fudge brownie ice cream and cried on the couch watching sad movies.

After a shower and a quick breakfast Louis goes to get Ella from Harry's. Louis stands in front of the door before he knocks and waits for Harry to answer. Harry does a few seconds later then invites Louis inside. Louis stands awkwardly waiting for Ella who was packing up her things in the lounge room.

"C'mon Love. Were gonna go see nanny" Ella nods handing her backpack to Louis then gives Harry a hug before following Louis out to the car. Harry stands watching Louis strap their daughter into her car seat.

"She told me you cry" Louis shuts the door of the car then faces Harry.

"Yes i did, still do sometimes. I think its an alright response considering what happened" Harry nods running a hand through his hair.

"I'm not saying it isn't. I found the ultrasound then i cried. Everything is fucked up"

"I thought i took everything, guess not. Yes everything is and you're the one that fucked it up. I've gotta go" Louis walks around to the drivers side, Harry following.

"Louis please. I know no amount of me saying sorry will help but can we at least talk about this? Like mature adults? Every time we talk we end up fighting" Louis stops and turns to face Harry.

"Fine we'll talk. I'll ask my mum to watch Ella tonight then I'll come over and talk. Happy?" Harry nods smiling the first real smile in six months.

"Good. Say around six? I'll cook dinner then we can talk" Louis nods getting into the car. Once Harry is inside he bangs his head on the steering wheel making Ella jump.

"Daddy stop" Louis looks into the mirror and smiles.

"Sorry love. Lets go see nanny"



When Louis arrives at his mum's Ella is taken away buy Daisy and Phoebe as soon as he gets her out of the car. Louis can see her mood lift instantly making him smile. His mother is waiting for him as he walks to the front door. She hugs him tightly before letting go and dragging him into the house.

"How are you Lou?" Louis shrugs sipping the tea in front of him.

"I'm alright i guess. I haven't fought with Harry recently. He want's to talk" Louis watches as his mother's eyes widen.

"Well are you going to?" Louis nods looking down at the counter top.

"I said i'd come talk to him tonight. Also could you watch Ella tonight? it will be a lot easier to talk to him without her there" Jay looks at her son with a raised eyebrow.

"Are you sure about this Lou? I mean it would be great if you two sort this out. Not just for you but Ella as well but are you ready to talk to him?" Louis nods then grabs a biscuit from the plate his mother set out.

"I'm sure. I need too for both Harry and i and Ella" Jay nods then hugs Louis tightly.

"Whatever happens darling i'm always there for you and Ella both ok?" Louis nods smiling.

"Thanks mum. I'm gonna go watch the girls play outside" Louis takes his mug outside with him and sits on one of the loungers by the pool, watching Ella and the twins play on the jungle gym.



Louis arrives at Harry's just after six. He knocks on the door only waiting a few seconds before Harry opens it. Louis shuffles inside, following behind Harry quietly to the kitchen.

"Would you like a drink?" Harry asks pointing to the bottle of wine he has out. Louis nods sitting on one of the bar stools while Harry pours the drinks and continues cooking.

"Ok straight to the point. I fucked up. I did big time. I was stupid and selfish to do that to both you and Ella. I know me saying sorry won't really help but i am. I'm really sorry Louis. You're were everything to me, still are. I still love you Louis" Louis takes a deep breath and wipes at his eyes trying to stop the tears.

"I still love you Harry. It's gonna take time to trust you again. It's gonna take time for me to believe you're sorry. What you did hurt, a lot" Harry nods watching Louis.

"How about we eat then talk some more yeah?" Louis nods draining the rest of the wine in his glass and grabbing the bottle to refill his glass.

After dinner Louis is onto his sixth glass and is beginning to feel tipsy. As they walk into the lounge room Louis trips, falling into Harry who managed to catch him before he fell onto the hard wood floor.

"Oops" Louis giggles looking up at Harry who's smiling down at him.

"Hi. I think you've had a bit to much to drink" Before Louis can think his lips are on Harry's kissing him like his life depends on it. Harry startled takes a few seconds to realize whats happening before he kisses Louis back. Harry's drunk but not as drunk as Louis.

"Wow" Louis says before he giggles again making Harry smile. Harry sets Louis on the couch then settles next to him.

"Why did you kiss me?" Harry asks and Louis laughs like its the funniest thing in the wold, at the moment it it.

"Because i love you" Louis face falls. "But were not together anymore and it makes me sad" Harry swallows then grabs Louis hand.

"Louis were getting no where. I know its gonna take time but i'd like a second chance" Louis smiles nodding.

"Yes! a second chance. You can have that. Can i have you? Now? I haven't had sex in like a year!" Louis hands move to Harry's thigh. Harry's eyes widen as he registers Louis words.

"Woe slow down Louis. You're drunk and not thinking properly. I'm going to bed. You can sleep on the couch or in the spare room" Louis eyes widen as Harry stands.

"No! I thought you said you loved me" Louis bottom lip juts out in a pout making Harry laugh. Drunk Louis is persistent Louis.

"No Louis. You're drunk, its not right. I'll see you in the morning" Harry kisses Louis forehead before going upstairs to his room. He locks the door knowing Louis would probably try to climb into bed with him, drunk Louis is also cuddly Louis. Strips down to his boxers and gets into bed. Louis on the other had decides to stay on the couch. He turns the t.v on, turns the volume down and lies down after taking his shoes off. He grabs the blanket from the back of the couch and drifts off to sleep.






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