Chapter 15

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"Look what I bought the other day" Niall says handing the bottle of pills to Louis. Louis looks at the label before looking back at Niall.

"You bought Viagra?" Louis asks in disbelief. Niall nods a smirk on his face.

"I thought we could mess with Harry and Liam. Crush up some pills and put them in their drinks" Louis puts the bottle on the table before breaking out into giggles.

"Ok, ok I'll do it now while they're outside" Louis grabs the pills then walks into the kitchen. He makes two cups of coffee, crushing up the pills before putting them into the drinks. Just as he pockets the pills Harry walks in with Liam.

"Made you guys some coffee" he says handing one to both Liam and Harry. They all sit in the lounge watching some kids show that's playing for Ella. As Harry finishes his drink he shifts uncomfortably.

"You ok Harry?" Louis asks trying to keep a straight face. He notices Liam shifting around as well.

"I, ah what the hell is happening to me?!" Harry asks looking at Louis who begins giggling.

"Maybe it has something to do with this" he laughs handing Harry the bottle of pills. Harry looks at the label before handing it to Liam.

"Louis what the hell? Why did you give me Viagra?" Louis giggles cuddling up to Harry.

"You know I love a good prank Hazza" Harry rolls his eyes before standing.

"Yeah, yeah I know. I need the bathroom" Louis giggles as Harry walks up to their bathroom, Liam heading to one of the guest bathrooms.

"Is it bad that I don't feel bad?" Louis asks Niall who's still giggling. Niall shakes his head.

"No because I think it's hilarious. I don't feel bad at all" Louis laughs his hands going to his tummy.

"I feel bloated and these babies are constantly moving and now I have to pee. Damn it!" Louis stands with Niall's help before rushing up to the bathroom in the guest bedroom.

Once Louis was done he went to check on Harry who was just getting out of the shower.

"I see your boner has gone" Harry nods pulling on some boxers.

"Took me forever to get rid of it. Please don't drug me again" Louis laughs hugging Harry.

"I won't I promise. Oh shit what time is it?" Harry looks at the clock on the wall. Nearly three, oh"

"We're gonna be late for my appointment! We got to find out the genders today. Hurry up and put your pants on Harry!" Harry huffs pulling up his jeans.

"Calm down Lou. I'm dressed, let's go" they walk into the lounge room where Niall is with Liam and Ella.

"Ok we're going now. Ella be good, Niall you too" Louis says making Ella giggle. They say goodbye before rushing out the door.



"Ok Louis so you're now 15 weeks along. Are we finding out genders today?" Louis nods lifting his shirt.

"Yeah we're excited to know what our twins are" Harry nods beside him grabbing his hand.

"Ok let's find the twins" the nurse says putting the clear gel on Louis stomach. She takes some pictures and measurements before pausing in one spot.

"I can see the genders of both babies quite clearly. Congratulations you have twin boys" Louis tears up. Boys, Harry really wanted a son now he has two.

"I am a little concerned about one thing" the nurse says making Louis frown. "Baby B is quite small, smaller then I'd like him to be at this stage. Well just have to keep an eye on him but for now he's healthy" Louis nods wiping his eyes. Harry hands him a towel to wipe his belly off.

"Here are your pictures. I'd like you to come back every two weeks just so we can keep an eye on the smaller baby" Louis takes the pictures before thanking the nurse.



"What are they?" Niall asks excitedly as Louis walks through the door.

"You can wait to know at the baby shower like everyone else" Niall whines making Louis roll his eyes.

"C'mon Lou, you can tell me" Louis shakes his head before walking towards the lounge room.

"Only a few more weeks wait Niall. I'm not telling you so stop asking" Niall stands with a hand in his hip.

"Excuse me. I will not be sassed!" Louis sits on the couch next to Harry, grabbing his hand and putting it on his stomach.

"Rub my belly the twins are quite restless" Harry nods rubbing Louis belly while he talks to Liam. Louis gasps suddenly making Harry worry.

"Louis what's the matter babe?" Harry aka as Louis moves Harrys hand to the right of his stomach. Harry waits confused till he feels it.

"Was that a kick?" Louis nods smiling.

"They're kicking! They're saying hello to their papa" Louis wipes his eyes. Damn hormones making him cry. Harry rubs over the spot trying to get them to do it again.

"I think the shows over. They're not moving as much anymore" Harry lifts Louis shirt kissing his tummy just above his belly button.

"I'm gonna go lay down. I feel a headache coming on" Harry helps Louis upstairs before going back to sit with Niall and Liam.

"So what's the genders? Louis won't tell me" Harry throws one of the throw pillows at Niall.

"M'not telling you. You'll find out at the baby shower like everyone else" Niall groans shoving his head in the pillow Harry threw.



"You awake Lou?" Louis groans throwing a pillow towards the door.

"Go away" Louis mumbles before shooting out of bed to the bathroom to throw up. Harry follows Louis to the bathroom, kneeling down and rubbing his back.

"I hate throwing up" Louis says resting his head on the bath.

"Hopefully it'll ease soon. You feeling better?" Louis nods flushing the toilet.

"Yeah I'm actually kind of hungry. Is it dinner time?" Harry nods handing Louis his toothbrush.

"Yeah it's nearly ready. Come down when you're done ok?" Harry pecks Louis cheek before leaving him alone in the bathroom.

Louis brushes his teeth then changes before going down stairs. He follows the sound of his boyfriend laughing with their daughter.

"Daddy! Papa made tacos!" She squeals happily eating her food. Louis chuckles sitting down next to Ella.

"His tacos are pretty amazing" Harry scoffs wiping his mouth.

"My tacos are the best in the world" Ella shakes her head.

"No nanas are the best!" Louis giggles at Harrys hurt expression.

"Nana taught me you know. But mine are still better" Ella shakes her head and giggles.

"No papa, you lying" Louis watches on fondly as his daughter and boyfriend argue. He can't wait for his twin boys to arrive.


Hello! Enjoy sorry it's been a while I went on holiday then I started my course.





Divorced Daddies -Larry Stylinson mpreg a.u-Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat