Chapter 9

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Louis wakes up alone the next morning. The curtains are open slightly letting in a bit of the morning sun. Harry's side of the bed is still slightly warm meaning he hasn't been up long. Louis stretches out feeling his bones pop and crack. He lets out a satisfied sigh then sits up. The bedside table clock reads 8:36AM. Louis then groans and lies back down.

"It's too early" he mumbles to himself before closing his eyes. He's just about to fall asleep again when he hears the bedroom door open. He opens one eye to see Ella walking up to the bed and climbing on. She sits beside Louis and starts jumping.

"Daddy! Wake up" Louis groans turning over to face his daughter.

"No daddy's tired. Go annoy papa" he hears Ella groan.

"But he's boring! You're more fun daddy!" Louis chuckles as he sits up.

"How is papa boring bug?" She shrugs sitting in Louis lap.

"He just is" just as Louis is about to answer Harry walks in looking at Ella then sighing.

"Ella I told you not to wake daddy up. I've been looking for you everywhere. I thought we were playing hide and seek" she shrugs cuddling up to Louis.

"Wanted daddy" Harry sighs before sitting on the edge of the bed.

"How about breakfast? Ella wanna help me make waffles?" The little girl sits up and nods

"Yes! Can I have chocolate chips?" Harry nods picking her up before facing Louis.

"You can take a shower if you want to. Everything's still in the same place" Louis nods standing up from the bed.

"Um thank you, for last night. I'm sorry for just climbing into bed with you" Harry smiles shrugging.

"It's fine. Come downstairs when you're finished" Louis nods heading into the bathroom after Harry's left with Ella. He take a long hot shower using Harry's shampoo and body wash. Once he's finished he goes across the hall to his bedroom and dresses on skinny jeans and a loose t-shirt before walking downstairs to the kitchen.

He sits down in the chair next to Ella who's eating her waffle that Harry cut up into little pieces.

"Here you go" Harry says as he sets a plate down informer of Louis then a mug of tea. Louis smiles shyly at Harry before taking a sip of his tea. He hums in approval then begins cutting up his waffles. Harry sits across from Louis and begins eating his own breakfast.

"What's the plan for today? It's Sunday so we could go to the zoo" Harry says trying to make conversation. He'd always hated the quiet awkward silence while eating. Louis shrugs while Ella nods. Her dimples showing as she smiled.

"Yes! They have baby pandas! Daddy do you want to come see the baby's?" She turns to Louis who looks up confused.

"Sorry what was that?" He look at Harry and smiles slightly.

"I was asking if you wanted to do a zoo day with Ella and myself" Louis look at the little girl next to him who's giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Ok I'll go. I can't resist that face" Ella smiles before turning back to her food. Harry look at Louis who look at him and frowns.

"Why are you staring at me?" Harry shrugs before going back to his food. Louis excuses himself and heads back upstairs to his bedroom. He lies in his unmade bed and plays a few games on his phone till the door opens and Harry walks in.

"I put Frozen on. We have forty five minuets tops till she comes looking for us" Louis sits up and sighs.

"What's wrong Lou? You've been distant all morning" Louis shrugs before falling back on the bed in a huff.

"Nothing's wrong really. I appreciate you letting me move back in I just feel.. Weird I guess" Harry sits on the bed facing Louis.

"Weird? Explain"

"I don't know. I just my feelings for you never went away and now I'm going to be spending all this time with you. I'm scared to be in a relationship with you again. I'm scared you'll cheat on me again" Harry sighs looking down.

"I understand completely. Just know that I haven't been with anyone since we broke up. Most nights Id come home, eat dinner then watch movies till I fell asleep. Other nights I never left the office. I stayed late to get ahead with work and just fell asleep at my desk" Louis giggles hearing Harry.

"You fell asleep at your desk?" Harry nods. A small smile on his face.

"Meetings were very interesting the next day" they go quiet till Harry speaks up again.

"Do you trust me enough to be my boyfriend?" Louis looks up, his eyes wide.

"What?" Harry grabs Louis hands in his own.

"We've been on a few dates now. I'm committed to you if you are to me. I want you to be my boyfriend" Louis looks down at his legs before looking up at Harry and nodding.

"You get one chance Harry. One fuck up and I'm gone. Ella too" Harry nods then kisses Louis cheek.

"C'mon lets go get ready"




They got home at five in the afternoon Harry carrying Ella who had fallen asleep on the way home. Louis headed into the kitchen while Harry put Ella in her room. Louis decided to make himself some tea, grabbing the tea box from the pantry then boiling the kettle.

Once his tea was made he sat on the couch while Harry made dinner. After half an hour Harry came in with bowls of pasta. Harry handed one to Louis before sitting down next to him. They are in silence, the t.v being the only distraction.

"Did you have fun today?" Harry asks trying to get Louis to talk. Louis nods smiling slightly.

"Yeah it was good. I haven't been to the zoo in ages" Harry hums before going back to his pasta.

"I'm gonna head to bed" Louis says after a while. He takes his bowl and cup into the kitchen then rushes upstairs to his bedroom. He locks the door before climbing into the bed. He's tired. Mentally and physically. He hears a knock on the door then the door handle move.

"Louis. What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" Louis sighs shaking his head.

"No" he says loud enough for Harry to hear.

"Then why did you rush off like that?" Louis gets up and unlocks the door, swinging it open.

"I don't know why I rushed off. Sorry" Harry shakes his head then grabs Louis hand.

"Don't be sorry. It's ok I understand. I was kind of hoping you'd sleep in my bed with me again though" Harry smiles biting his lip.

"Ok but keep your hands to yourself" Louis giggles seeing Harry's confused face.

"I missed that" Harry smiles. Louis looks at Harry confused.

"Missed what?" Harry kisses Louis cheek.

"Your laugh. It always made me smile" Louis smiles taking Harry's hand.

"C'mon lets go to bed" Louis drags Harry over to his room then lies down on the bed. Harry climbs in next to him then closes his eyes. Louis sighs snuggling up to Harry.

"I was kidding you know. You can cuddle me if you want" Harry opens his eyes and wraps his arms around Louis, pulling him closer.

"This is nice. I missed this" Louis says before closing his eyes. Harry waits till he knows Louis is asleep before answering.

"So did I" he whispers before Kissing Louis temple.






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