Chapter 19

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Louis woke up with Harry asleep next to him. He hummed running his hand through Harry's hair. Harry stirred opening his eyes slightly.

"Good morning" Harry mumbled out. Louis leaned down to kiss him.

"Good morning or should I say afternoon. How about some breakfast then we can go see our babies" Harry nodded yawning.

"Sounds good. I'm going to head down to the cafeteria for some lunch. I'll buzz a nurse in to bring yours" Louis nods stretching slightly, his stitches pulling.

"Maybe some pain meds too" Louis says as Harry presses the call button next to Louis bed. A nurse walks in a few minutes later carrying a food tray. She sets it down on the portable table by Louis bed.

"Anything else love?" She asks checking Louis vitals.

"Um maybe some more pain medicine. My stomach hurts" she nods grabbing something out of a draw near by. The injects it into Louis Iv bag.

"There you go. It should kick in soon buzz if there is anything you need alright" Louis nods smiling. Harry pulls the food tray over to Louis.

"Hospital food is usually gross but this looks edible" Harry says watching as Louis opens his sandwich.

"Yeah it's actually pretty good. Weren't you going to get food?" Harry nods kissing Louis forehead.

"Just wanted to make sure you were comfortable first. I'll call Liam too let him know what's going on. Maybe he can bring Ella in" Louis hums taking a sip of his tea.

"Yeah that would be be great! I miss my baby girl" Harry kisses Louis forehead one last time before leaving the room. After Louis had finished eating the nurse came in once again to help him walk to the bathroom. Then back to his bed again once he was done.

"Alright love when your fiancé gets back we'll organise for you to go see your babies" Louis thanks her getting comfortable on the bed. After she leaves Harry comes back in with a smiling Ella on his hip.

"Daddy!" She squeals kicking Harry to try and get to Louis. Harry lifts her into the bed telling her to be careful of Louis stomach.

"My baby! I missed you so much" Louis says kissing all over her face making her giggle" Harry watches on a fond smile on his face.

"Are you being good for uncle Liam and uncle Niall?" Ella nods her brown hair falling in her eyes.

"Missed you and papa"she mumbles cuddling up to Louis. Louis kisses her head cuddling her close.

"Missed you too lovely. Papa and I will be coming home as soon as we can, till then it's sleepovers with uncle Liam and Niall" the little girl huffs looking at Harry.

"I wanna stay here with you!" She cries clinging to Louis as Harry tries to grab her.

"C'mon Ella come cuddle papa. I won't take you back to Liam yet ok?" She hesitantly nods letting Harry pick her up. She wraps her arms around Harry's neck burying her head in his neck. Harry rubs her back trying to stop her crying. Louis sniffles watching his baby cry.

"Please stop crying bug. You're making daddy cry" Harry says wiping his daughters eyes with his sleeve. She sniffles nodding looking over at Louis.

"Don't cry daddy" Louis laughs sniffling.

"I'm ok bug. Come here and give me one last cuddle. You can come back tomorrow and see me. I promise" Harry sets her down next to Louis letting Louis hug and kiss her. After Louis says goodbye Harry takes her back out to Liam who's sitting in the cafeteria with Niall.

"Thanks for bringing her in. I'll come back for a bit tonight to shower and change" Liam nods taking the girl.

"No problem mate. How's Louis and the twins?" Liam asks as Harry sits across from them.

"He's good, tired and sore but good. The twins are good. They're alive and breathing so they're good in my eyes" Liam nods handing Ella to Niall.

"Ok well we better go Niall and I promised we'd take Ella to the zoo" Harry stands pressing a kiss to Ella's forehead.

"By baby. Have fun and I'll see you later ok?" The little girl nods cuddling into Niall. After they leave Harry walks back to Louis room to find Louis waiting in a wheelchair with a nurse.

"They're taking us to see the twins!" Louis says excitedly. Harry follows the nurse who wheels Louis to the NICU. The wash their hands then put on face masks. She wheels them over to a incubator where both babies are.

"We moved them into one incubator. They seem a bit happier like this. Lucas is also breathing on his own. Well keep him in here for a bit longer but hopefully in a few days he'll be able to go home. Oliver is a bit behind his brother and still relies on the oxygen tubes" Louis nods watching his babies who are awake and moving around.

"Would you like to hold Lucas? He can come out for bit" Louis nods excitedly as the nurse carefully picks up the baby. She wraps him in a blanket before handing him to Louis. Louis bursts into tears when he finally gets to hold one of his babies.

"Harry he's so little" Louis says softly watching the baby blink lazily at nothing. Harry kisses Louis head watching his son with Louis. After a while the nurse puts Lucas back so Harry focuses on Oliver for a bit.

"Louis come see Oliver for a bit" Harry says wheeling him over to the other side of the incubator. Louis sighs putting his hand inside so Oliver can grip his finger.

"Hello baby" Louis coos as Harry goes over to Lucas who was starting to squirm around and whimper. Just as a nurse comes over Lucas starts crying startling both Oliver and Louis.

"Are they ok?" Louis asks panicked as the nurse inserts their feeding tubes.

"Just fine love. They're just hungry is all" Louis nods watching the babies calm down as their stomachs get full.

"How about we head back to your room now Lou? We've been in here for nearly three hours" Louis nods saying one more good bye to his babies promising to come see them tomorrow. The same nurse wheels Louis back to his room then helps him back into bed. Once he's settled the nurse leaves leaving Harry and Louis alone.

"How about a nap love? I'm going to head home to shower and change. I'll be back soon alright?" Louis nods closing his eyes. Harry kisses his forehead before leaving the hospital to head home.


Hey hope you like this chapter. Enjoy!





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