Start from the beginning

She hadn't met him and his expression didn't change even after she looked at him, it irritated her. Why they are always angry and stoic is beyond her. She can't do that even if her life depends on it.

"That one that took his handsomeness from me is Yazid: my twin brother who is very opposite of me. He always has this annoyed expression that gets to everyone in the palace except me. He is an architect like me and has already started his first job. The project is hard I tell you. He is twenty four, very hardworking and pretty." He mumbled the last part to Falak.

She only shook her head at him. He's the only one who is talking to her. Not even the smallest twelve year old that's still quite and only mindlessly eating his food.

"That one is Masrooq: twenty three years old and a radiologist. He is very quite and calm. He always solve the problems we have and come up with solutions within minutes or seconds or nanoseconds. He is not stoic but also not friendly and likes to scare people with his deep voice." Asad snickered when he was glared at by Masrooq.

"Huzaif: is our cousin and also a big lawyer. He is the type that carries himself with grace and hide himself all the time. When you do see him, you better hide yourself from him as he likes lashing out on people that cross his way, with just a glare. He is thirty one years old. Very old." Asad laughed, hitting Huzaid who's sitting next to him.

"That other one is Humaid: Huzaif's younger brother and has same habit of hiding himself with work. He is not very quite among us but you'll think that he is deaf in front of some other people. So I'm surprised why he isn't talking today. He's twenty nine. Very old too huh, don't talk about it."

"That little munchkin is your blood brother, Imad: he is twelve and in jss3. Troublemaker who looks like he's taking over his older brother Shaddad. He talks less but loves you ever since he heard about you from your mom. I don't know why they're all silent today, it's getting creepy." Asad shrugged.

Falak remove her attention from her fruits and look at her brother, Imad. Why is he so quiet? For a twelve year old, he sure is too quite for her liking but then she heard someone talking from behind.

"Imad, you shouldn't have threw blows at your classmates. Now the kid is suffering hemorrhaging from the nose and suspecting periorbital hematoma to occur." It was Harith.

Falak blinked, what language is that. She could only catch the fault that her brother blew someone from his school and all the rest are just like another language to her.

"What language is that?" She gently asked Asad so that she'll quench her curiosity. She should learn that language too.

"That's their doctor's language. You'll be hearing a lot of it." Asad laughed from beside her.

"Then I want to become a doctor." She said, almost like she's taking a vow.

"As if you can." She heard Shaddad's voice from the other side of the table. The same as the one which gave her chills earlier, so he was the rudrude fellow.

"I can and I will." Something snapped in her, accepting his challenge openly.

"We shall see." He pushed his chair back and left the dining table with three guards behind him.

Even his walk emanates power.

"No one is willing to talk to me? I should leave." She moved her chair, about to stand up when Harith mumbled a hi, followed by all of them.

She beamed, before sitting back down, giving them the test of their own medicine. She kept talking for a long time and still their faces are indifferent not that she cared. She continue to talk till after the whole servants finished clearing the table and wanted to sweep.

"Goodnight, brothers!" She hollered as she jump on her heels and continue to drag her brother, Imad to her room. She told him that he'll be sleeping in her room today.

Unknowingly, four guards started following them but she didn't even noticed because she kept gushing about how the palace is beautiful to Imad who just kept beaming. Like he's not the person she was with earlier.

"You made ya Shaddad talk more than greetings today." Imad chuckled maturely, even her stepbrother in the village can't mimic it.

That's what she's been trying to avoid since when Shaddad left the table. She doesn't want to think about him again and if love at first sight is true, then she's definitely in love with the arrogant prick. This was not her plan, this is uncouth. She accepted the challenge, she doesn't know whether she can keep it or not but she will.

"He doesn't talk?" She raised a perfect dark black brow at her little brother, who's sitting on the hammock he made. She didn't even know about it and was afraid she would fall.

"Only greetings and when he'll scold me. I'm surprised that today it's Ya Harith who scolded me, when ya Shaddad scolds me, I would almost pee because you hardly hear his voice and when you do, oh boy." He grinned mischievously but exaggerated the words. Maybe his brother is tired after all.

"Their language is weird." She can't get her mind off that language. It's even the source of her wanting to become a doctor and accepting a challenge from him.

"Mom is also a doctor, you know. A paediatrician." He added with so much pride and that only swell her mother's love in her heart, but she is so not going to show it. She totally forgot about confronting her.

Her mother is also a doctor and why can't she? She will do just that and will keep architecture by the side. Tomorrow is Monday and she'll be starting school tomorrow even though she has nothing for school and she's so excited. Anything to remove her mind off Shaddad and her father.

"Tell me about them. What Asad said was not really going in my ear. I was busy ogling at Shaddad." She didn't say the last part out loud but Imad heard her, she always does that.

He laughed before saying; "People ogle at him so much and so do they do the other. There's an event coming up next week, all the people with title will be there and father will introduce you as the long lost princess..." And he kept going but she stopped him when she laughed, is he really a guy?


WHO IS WITH ANOTHER update? Come on, yell it out like your throats are about to be cut off. AISHATU!!! yes, kept shouting. So our Falak just accepted a challenge? Damn, medicine is not a child's play o. She confessed, darn it. Is our Falak okay?😹
RQ; Will you ever accept a challenge like Falak did up there because you are busy ogling? Sorry, but no.


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