Chapter 29 : Point Three

Start from the beginning

In some ways this is like a match and I will need all the strength, that I can muster and every strategy, that I can employ to win it and turn the odds, in my favour.

P.O.V of  Detective Dolly Dhillon.

Through my high shi technology binoclulars which my daughter  got from Canada, I look through the windows, careful to keep the curtains drawn and the lights off to spy on the Tamilians next door. I am very sure that something is wrong with them.

Both their daughters are unmarried. Such shamelessness. My Pinky was married as soon as she completed her degree, she even has a son and a second child on the way. God’s blessings.

Their big daughter stays separately in Mumbai and that too all alone. I wonder why they allow that? I would never allow my Pinky to do something like this. I would give her one tight slap and pull her ears getting her back to her senses.

Their smaller daughter studies abroad. Good God! All alone in a foreign country. I would have nightmares if Pinky even uttered the word Foreign, before getting married. Thank God she got a good NRI munda from Canada.

Something is up though, I can feel it. Zoya is at home although it’s not her usual holiday time. She has been acting weird too. Just yesterday, I went over to their house, on the pretext of asking for some sugar for my kheer and met her.

She was acting very different. Just not herself. I’m sure there is something amiss. I need to know what it is. I will not get sleep at night if I do not know. They do not call me Detective Dolly for nothing. I’m not a professional Detective or anything, but I make it my business to know the happening of our colony in Karol Bagh.

Who knows tomorrow if any crime-shime takes place in our area, and the police will ask at least I might be able to help them. Then these colony people will realize my value and I will be a local hero.

Talking about Crime, this tall firang is standing on the other side of the street with a rose in his hand, staring intently at the Subramaniams house.He looks very suspicious. I hope that he is not hiding a gun.

An hour back, a pretty firang girl knocked on the door and went inside the house. I think, she might be his partner in crime. Trying to sedate, all the members in the house, to rob them of their expensive belongings. The cell phone is in my hand. The Karol Bagh Police Station Number on speed dial. If he makes one move, I will press the button.

Meanwhile, I spy the firang talking to a little boy and a girl. They are Monu and Mini, the gardener’s ten year old twins. They both are very excited at whatever he is telling them and nod their heads vigorously.

Within five minutes, Monu walks to the Subramaniam houselhold and knocks on the door. Mr Subramaniam opens the door. He smiles kindly at Monu, who shyly takes a hidden rose, out from his shirt pocket and hands it over to him, before mouthing something, that looked to me as Zoya Didi. The senior gentleman ruffles his hair kindly and asks him who sent it but Monu shrugs and does not reply.

In the next five minutes, Mini, his sister, does the exact same thing. However she has a bouquet of roses in her hand. Mr Subramaniam smiles at her too and politely accepts the flowers, knowing well that she will not answer his question.

This kept on happening for the next few hours. I swear to God, I was glued to the window from ten in the morning to  four in the evening. I wonder what they will do of so many roses and who that boy is? Is he planning to asphyxiate them with the smell of roses and then rob them?

Mrs Subramaniam appears at the first floor window, with Zoya and the firang standing beside her. Mrs Subramaniam looks anxious, Zoya is absolutely elated as though she has just seen her favorite film star. The foreigner is explaining something very animatedly, wildly gesticulating with her hand.

The young man looks unabashedly towards them, his face a mixture of hope, trepidation, anxiety and love; this one specifically towards Zoya. Is he her boyfriend? Is that why she is back so early because she broke up with him? Few pieces have started falling into place.

Mrs Subramaniam takes a deep breath and then shuts the curtain. After a while their front door opens and both the parents are standing on the porch looking at the foreigner. He does not budge.

They wait.

He does not move an inch.

They go back inside.

It’s nearly nine now. I cannot cook food in this mess as I do not want to miss out on anything important. I had to order from the Shandaar restauraunt at the corner of the street.

The boy is still standing outside. He must be chilled to the bone. Winter has set in Delhi. There is a nip in the air and for those who are new to Delhi, it’s not a good time to be out in a half sleeved cotton shirt and blue jeans.

The Subramaniams’ door opens and Zoya comes bounding outside like a space shuttle on a mission. She does not look left or right, crosses the street and leaps toward the foreigner who looks equally happy and catches her with ease and grace that I have seen in Hollywood movies.

They hug as though they have not seen each other in a long time. He whispers something in her ear and she nods, kissing his cheek. He cups her jaws with both his hands bringing her face closer to his.

I thought that he would kiss her on the mouth like they do in those Hollywood movies and now in Bollywood movies too. A foreigner boy and an Indian girl kissing, in the middle of the street. Now that would have the people in the entire colony standing at their door frowning upon them, passing judgements.

Fortunately he does not, he kisses her forehead and rubs his nose against hers holding her close all the while. She whispers something, he nods. Taking his hand in hers, Zoya crosses the street and pushing the tiny gate back, takes the foreigner into her house and shuts the door with a grin on her face.

A perfectly good day wasted. To top that I had to spend a good three hundred bucks on the food, because I could not cook thanks to these Subramaniams. This is the saddest part about people like me who are always interested in the well being of their neighbours. We are the ones to pay at the end.

AN : Hey Wattpaders! Another chapter is here. I wanted you guys to have a different perspective on the events and that is why, I intriduced Dolly Dhillon. Tell me what you guys think? Updates will be slow now onwards, as college has begun and I have a very tight schedule. Your comments however might make me write more frequently. So keep voting and commenting. Spread the love.

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