"Besides, blue suits you. Now shall we go to Asgard?"

Loki sighed, shaking his head, his skin returning tonormal while he put his hands on your head, cupping your cheeks.

"Not we, darling, you. I cannot risk my life and Thor is in a compromising position with the Grand Master."

Then he leant in, murmuring some kindof spell to summon the Bifrost while his cold lips touched yoursunexpectedly. An incandescent light embraced you while the god pushed you into the portal watching carefully your depart to the Asgardian land. You barely had the time to register what had happened you were lifted into the Bifrost.
"Good luck, Y/N."

Then he turned to Wong, who hadassisted to the whole scene.

"No need to tell Strange about thisinteraction with Y/N."

Wong smirked, sending shivers down the spine of the god who had never seen the man smile.

"Too late, there are cameras in theSanctum and you can be sure Stark and Strange will know about this."

Loki raised his hand up, summoning aspell.

' Good. I shall take my leave, then.'

With these words, he disappeared in amist of green with hues of blue.


You stumbled into the Bifrost,stammering on your feet to gain some balance while a man waited for youthere. His golden eyes seemed to see past you, and you whispered :

"You're Heimdall right?"

The man removed the sword from theBifrost door, and stated.

"That is correct Lady Y/N. Loki warnedme of your arrival. Hela had the man in the cloak and demanded your presence."

You dusted off your clothes.

"Why would she want to see me?"

He sighed, tightening his grip on the sword while he walked towards the rainbow bridge.

"I do not know. However, she seems toexpect a weakling human. Use this to your advantage. I shall take myleave and lead the people of Asgard towards a place where they willbe safe until the princes return."

You put your hand on his shoulder, startling him a little.

"Thor and Loki will arrive soon. Leave Hela to me, I got this."

With one last nod to the man, youwalked on the rainbow bridge towards the palace which was impossible to miss. On your way, you didn't see a soul and it raised your suspicion. Where was the Asgardian Army?

Your question was soon answered whenyou stumbled into the large square where lied the lifeless bodies of the Asgardian soldiers. A spark of anger crackled inside you, seeing these blades ending lives of loyal men.

Here she stood, grabbing Stephen by the throat, the Cloak helping him to get some air while she threatened the sorcerer with a blade.

Immediately, you spun into action, your usual clothes changed into a vibranium armour, a magic aura embracing with balls of pure energy glowing into your hands.

"Let him go!" You shouted at theGoddess.

The woman turned her head towards you, raising Stephen even higher and he strangled, low on air.

"Finally, here you are, Y/N. You've kept me waiting."

You closed your fists, seeing Stephen in this state making you angry. You repeated darkly.

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