Christmas night

Beginne am Anfang

"I'm sorry your highness, were we being too loud?" Baek asked the prince.

Namjoon shook his head and smiled. "No it's not that. I just wanted to tell you guys you did a great job with the food and serving. The guests loved it."

Everyone in the room grew a smile on their face.

"Also, don't worry about the cleaning now. You should all get some time to celebrate a bit before going to bed." Joon added.

"Wait, we're being excused from working?" Baek asked. Joon nodded with a smile. Some still couldn't believe it though. "Are you being serious?" One asked.

Joon nodded once more as he chuckled. "Just leave the dishes for tomorrow."

"Thank you so much your highness!"

Lots of them were giving him their thank you's. Some headed straight to bed, others to celebrate.

"You hear that Taehyungie? Guess we can celebrate for a bit." Baekhyun says while smiling at him.

Tae smiled back at him. "Wanna have our own little feast?" He asked excitedly. It was almost 1 am but Tae was down to eat this late with his best friend.

But before Baek could answer, the prince cut in.

"Ah, wait Tae." Namjoon called for him.

Tae looked over at Joon, so did Baek.

"I need to talk to him for a moment." Joon tells Baekhyun.

Bark nodded. "I understand."
"I'll meet you in the dinning room." He lets Tae know before leaving them alone.

"Is something wrong...?" Tae asked the prince a little worried. His heart was raising though, it's been a while since being alone with him. Joon just easily made him feel like that. He really did like him.

"No." Joon softly chuckled, he seemed a bit shy now. "I got you something..."

Tae blushed

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Tae blushed. "Y-You got me something?"

Joon nodded. He had been holding onto something behind his back. Keeping it hidden from Tae. "I've noticed you staring at me a lot while I'm out in the garden reading."

Tae blushed deeper. This was embarrassing, he didn't think it was obvious.

"So I thought it could be because you were probably interested in the book I was reading." Joon says the finally showing Tae his gift. "Merry Christmas."

A-A...A book...?
Tae looked down at the book Joon was handing him. It was the same book he always saw him reading in the garden.

What kind of Christmas gift is this?!
Taehyung thought, but he smiled anyways. Or well, tried to pull off a smile.

 Or well, tried to pull off a smile

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"Thank you..." Tae says taking the book from his hand. "That's so thoughtful of you..."

Namjoon smiled. "Glad you liked it."

Tae softly nodded, awkwardly smiling. "I wish I could've gotten you something too."

"Don't worry Tae. You're already a gift." Joon says giving him a fond smile this time.

Tae could feel his insides melt.

"Well, I won't bother you too much. Baekhyun is waiting for you. Have fun." Joon says while walking out the room.

Tae was silent. His heart still beating and cheeks still hot. Even though he wasn't interested at all in the book he was gifted, he was supper happy Joonie gave him something.

He hugged onto the book tightly while smiling widely.


"I thought you were going to bring Taehyung here or something." Jungkook says as he watched Joon return.

"No. He's hanging out with Baekhyun." Joon responds as he sat down with his brothers.

"Bummer." Jimin responds.

"What's so special about him?" Jin sighed.

"It's his friend you ass." Yoongi responds.

"Let's just continue with the presents..." Hoseok says trying to change the subject.


"A book? What the fuck." Baek says while enjoying a dish along with Taehyung.

"It's not just any book baekkie! Namjoon gave me it!" Tae responds smiling widely while blushing.

"Ah, I see. It's important because you like him." Baek says sighing.

"Everything from Namjoon is important." Taehyung giggled. "Don't you think Namjoonie is cute?"

"Mmm. Not as much as you." Baekyhun responds.

Tae smiled. "No! I wasn't talking about myself! We're talking about Joonie!" He giggled.


Later, after their own mini feast. The two headed to bed to sleep for the rest of the night. It was almost 3 am now. Taehyung was in the bathroom. He was all bubbly and happy in that moment. Celebrating with Baek was fun and he couldn't stop thinking about Joon, even though they just talked for a bit.

He began to brush his teeth and later began to rinse his mouth for the night.

He heard someone else walk in the bathroom once he began to dry his mouth.

When Tae looked over. He was immediately pinned against the cold bathroom wall and kissed deeply.

"Oh I've been missing your sweet lips..." Yoongi mumbled.

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