Jinnie's turn

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Taehyung was silent. He didn't know what to say.

Hoseok sighs. "I knew it." He responds quite disappointed.

"I'm sorry Hobi..." Tae says with a soft frown. He felt bad.

Hoseok shook his head and looked at him. His anger had seemed to go away when he flashed a tiny smile at Taehyung.

"It's alright..."

"Soon, I'll be the only one in your mind."


Later that day, Taehyung was finally doing his last task of the day. He was with his friend Baek.

Baek was helping him since he had finished his tasks earlier.

They had just finished folding the dry laundry clothes. Now they were out to drop them off to where they belong.

"How can you tell who's clothes is who's?" Baekhyun asked Taehyung while the two headed upstairs, into the royal hall rooms.

Tae chuckled, "How can you not? You've been working here longer than I have."

The two were carrying their own basket with the folded clothes that belonged to the princes.

"Well, I actually don't get to see them a lot when I'm working. My tasks aren't like yours." he responds. "You get to go into their room for their laundry and send their dry folded clothes back. I'm sure that's the reason you know which clothes belong to who."

"Plus, they seem to ask for you a lot. You see them more than I ever do." Baek adds.

"I guess..." Tae responds. He forgot that Baek only works in the kitchen most of the time. It explained why he didn't see the princes much, it wasn't really a place where he could interact with them.

"So which is who's clothes?" Baek asked Tae showing him the clothes in his basket.

Tae looked down at the pile of clothes folded. He points to the first one. "Hoseok" Then the other one, "Namjoon" and the one after, "Jungkook"

Baekhyun nods. "Got it."

"Even if you mess up. They'll tell you if it's their clothes or not." Tae says chuckling softly.

The two were in the royal hall now. They both part in different ways to drop off the clothes they had been carrying.

Tae had Yoongi's, Jimin's and Jin's. Baek had the others.

Tae decided to walk down into Yoongi's bedroom first.

He softly knocks his door. Before he could say he was there drop off his clothes, Yoongi responds right away from his knock.

"Come in."
The prince was already expecting Taehyung's small visit.

Tae opens his door and walks inside his bedroom as he softly waves at him with a smile.

He places his basket on the floor and starts to pull out Yoongi's pile of clothes from it.

Yoongi was bundled up in bed. He looked sleepy. He was waiting on Taehyung to appear before he did fall asleep.

Tae was opening Yoongi's drawers and placing his clothes where they belonged so the prince wouldn't have to get out of bed to do it himself.

"Thanks." Yoongi says in a soft tired mumble while watching him.

Tae could hear the sleepiness in his voice. He turns to look at Yoongi with a fonding smile as he nodded. "Sleep well." He says as he grabbed onto his basket, ready to make his way out.

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