Arc of The New Brotherhood: End and Epilouge

Começar do início

  "Just like Koneko taught me...yes!" I yell as I sway to the side of him pouncing and Ladin a solid boost-infused punch. "And a another!" I say hitting him across the face. I try to grab him to bring a knee to his chin but before I could get a grip on his arms he suddenly leans back at an odd angle and throws me to the ground. He flips over so he is straddling me and starts charging an attack point blank! Shit!

  Thinking fast my Devil wings pop out and act on instinct. With a string flap the pointed edges went into his eyes and shot me up a bit so my thrusters could follow up and send me away. Just as I made it to safety he fired the purple ball of energy from his mouth; but with no eyes he was swinging the beam all over the place. "Nows my chance!" I say to myself running up and ducking under the beam. He stops firing and starts trying to look around, that's when I hear...sniffing? I reach him and aim another head blow at him only for it to miss as he leaned back then shot his snakes forward.

  They dig their teeth into my arms and legs, and as they get ahold of me suddenly weird skin-like creatures and dark imps crawl out of a hole in the shade. They throw themselves on me with smoke coming off then due to the light. Up above I can see a swirling black cloud starting to form as some of Rivio's snake things breath in black air or something. Suddenly I hear a charging again and look to see- shit!

  Riv fires a beam again, this time weaker then the last but still point blank at me! After it dies down my armor is smoking, a bit scorched even, but still intact. "My turn." I say as I lower my arms and shoot forward. 'Ddraig! Let's do this!' I say in my head to my partner as I start throwing punches at the blinded creature.

  Punch after punch, blow for blow, a weird black tar like substance goes flying away from the body of my brother. At one point he tried to use his tongue to rap around my leg; I slammed his jaw shut on it and watched as it wriggled around on the ground. Gross...but cool like a comic book scene! Charging up a Dragon Shot I real my fist back: let's see if this works!

  "Give me back my brother! Dragon SHOT!" I yell as I slam my fist forward and shoot a red beam of energy at his head. I watch as it engulfs him and send him sliding away. Panting I lean forward a bit at the loss of my energy till I Boost again and go back straight. My eyes widen at the scene as he stands again. A good chunk of his face was steaming, his jaw was out of place even- but other then that he was nearly undamaged! I watch as it reaches up and sets its jaw back into place with a loud crack and a growl. What'll it take!?

  "Damn it...DAMN IT!" I yell marching forward. "Just give him back!" I yell as I drive a fist toward the creature. Surprisingly he caught my fist and crushed as hard as he could. I felt my hand break suddenly as I look to see his eyes fully healed again. He pulls forward and pops my arm out of place, then stabs his claws into my chest and lifts me up. I cough out some blood as I stare down at his face before he reaches up and takes my helmet off.

  He starts moving a claw to me before suddenly his hand stops. He stares at my face for a second and then starts screeching. Dropping me he fumbles back, holding his head in pain. Is he remembering or something? I slowly get to my feet and clutch the wound at my chest. Damn he got me good. At least I get some healing from the president after now~

  No! Bad Issei stay focused!

  I look up as suddenly a sphere of black energy shoots out of him. It passes by harmlessly and suddenly the black cloud above shrinks a bit! The sphere passes over the hole in the ground and it's creatures and they disintegrate while the hole closes up! I look back to the creature and see it slouch over; and as it screams I can see the slight distortion in its form going back and forth to Rivio and itself. That's it! If he remembers then he can fight it back!

  "Riv! You remember that time when we were kids with Irina? You two always played as hero's while I was a villain. One time we all got hurt when we fell from a tree; I broke my ankle, Irina her wrist, and you your arm." I say. It works! He doubles over in pain and his screeched get louder. "Or how about the time you and I went to an amusement park with mom and dad! You had the biggest smile on your face that day, I can remember it like yesterday; how about you Riv? Remember that!?" I call out.

The Darkness of Kuoh AcademyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora