~Christmas Special~

Start from the beginning

    Soon, the adults realized the two boys were gone and dragged them back inside much to their dismay.


All For One's Residence

    6 Year old, Tomura is having his first Christmas since All For One took him in. In their hideout, Kurogiri is playing Hide and Seek with the young boy. Tomura hid in a closet of his Master's bedroom whilst Kurogiri looked for him. "Tomura Shigaraki...where could you be?" The boy stayed quiet, not wanting to be found. Then suddenly it was quiet...Tomura opened the closet door to peak out for a new hiding spot. Then he was grabbed from the side by Kurogiri who yelled out, "I've gotcha!" Tomura squealed/screamed in fear, not expecting the sudden grab. "AHH!"  

    Kurogiri chuckled and then noticed the tears going down the blue-headed boy's cheeks. He then had a solemn look, upset that he had made the boy cry. He hugged the boy and Tomura hugged back with his gloved hands, the gloves to prevent him from dusting away stuff. "I-I'm so sorry, Tomura. I didn't mean to scare you.." Tomura just nodded, "I-I forgives..." Kurogiri picked him up, smiling a little. Tomura noticed a light coming from the living room where All For One was. "Wats dat?" He pointed to the light and Kurogiri smiled. "Master must've finished decorating the tree!"

    Tomura seemed confused as Kurogiri carried him to the living room, the bright tree shining and the little boy's eyes lit up in amazement. AFO turned to look at Kurogiri and Tomura with his gray eyes, smiling. His white hair was bright as ever. "Ah, Tomura and Kurogiri. How nice of you to join me. I've finished the tree." Kurogiri sets Tomura down and the boy walks up to All For One. "W-Wats the twee for?" The white-haired villain got down on the boy's level. "Well, Tomura. If kids behave well, a man named Santa Claus comes to their home and brings them presents! He'll put the presents under the tree for you to find in the morning, but if you try to see Santa. He won't come." 

    Tomura nodded and AFO got back up, "Now. Let's go eat. I'm sure that dinner is done now." The blue-haired child took his hand and walked to the kitchen with him and Kurogiri.

Next Morning

Christmas Day

    Izuku and Katsuki were awoken by their parents, smiling wide. Inko cheered while picking the green-haired baby up. "Izuu! It's Christmas!" Katsuki and him squealed, excited. Once set down, the two little boys (Attempted to) ran to the living room, where there were a bunch of wrapped presents. 

    At the same time, Tomura was awoken in his bedroom by Kurogiri. "Hey, Tomura Shigaraki. It's time to wake up." The boy opened his eyes slowly, "H-Huh?" "It's morning time, buddy. Christmas." At the word, 'Christmas', Tomura's eyes snapped open as he immediately bolted out of bed and past Kurogiri to the living room where All For One was, at the couch with a black cup of coffee. "Hi there, munchkin. I see you're awake. How about you look under the tree?" Tomura looked at it and gasped in amazement. Many red and green wrapped presents under the tree, Tomura's mind had exploded.

    Katsuki and Izuku in the Yagi Household ran up to the presents and looked back to their parents for a sign of approval to begin ripping them open. The mothers nodded with smiles and the two boys immediately began tearing the presents open. Izuku squealed as he ripped open a present and revealed exactly what he had asked Santa for. A plushie All Might toy, "Uwa!" Katsuki opened his and smiled wide, getting an All Might blanket. "Yay!"

    In the Villain Hideout, All For One smiled, "Go ahead. Open them." Tomura opened some of his presents, smiling. A rare thing to see from the boy. Inside he found many toys, like plushie knives, toy guns, the perfect things for a young villain. But in the last present, this one took some convincing from Kurogiri. Tomura hadn't known his biological family all that much, especially his Grandmother. The 7th Holder of One For All. Nana Shimura. 

    Tomura opened the final gift, to find a costume. Perfectly fitting for him. He turned around to look at his Master, "Wats dis?" The white-haired man sighed, "That, Tomura...is the hero costume of your grandmother. She passed a long time ago, but I thought you might like that." Tomura smiled a little, "Gwandma was a hewo?" "Yep. We were...good friends." The boy smiled and put on the costume, smiling. 

     In the Yagi Household, the two boys played for a bit with their new toys

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     In the Yagi Household, the two boys played for a bit with their new toys. Running and crawling around while the adults exchanged their own gifts. Soon, the two little boys fell asleep in Izuku's room. Drawing pictures of All Might.

It was a great Christmas for both the Symbol of Peace and the Symbol of Evil

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It was a great Christmas for both the Symbol of Peace and the Symbol of Evil.

(A/N: This was about 500-700 words shorter than my average chapter

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(A/N: This was about 500-700 words shorter than my average chapter. But Christmas doesn't give a lot of writing time. I hope you enjoyed these three boys' Christmas Day. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Decade!)

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