THANK YOU!!! ^-^

2.3K 46 20

EXO Imagines has hit 1K votes!!!

Well, more accurately, 1029 votes, and OH MY GOSH, MY DEAREST READERS, I THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR SUPPORTING THIS SERIES OF MINE!!! /jumps around screaming thank you~/ 

Okay here it goes again! 'Thank You Time' is here~

I want to thank these people especially:

@venuslcj HEY, HEY, YOU, YOU, I THINK YOU'RE AMAZING~ XD Okay, you're the first person I'm thanking this time, and it's probably going to be really long :) Huh, now where to start? Too many things to say thanks for XD THANKS FOR BEING SO SUPPORTIVE, firstly, I guess :) You're practically always the first or one of the first few to vote, and I feel all happy and fuzzy about that ^-^ Then there's your comments. They're hilarious, and make my day. Thank you for that too. Thank you for being here on Wattpad a lot, so I can just chat... and so that you can update things that I will hunt down instantly to read the moment I see it pop up in my notifs :P AWW ASDFGHJKL JUST THANK YOU~ -.- /dies mentally at inability to be eloquent XD/ Maybe this isn't very long at all. But that is not the point :) XOXO

@_THELeiacorn_ OHOHO LEIAAA~ THANK YOU FOR A LOT OF THINGS TOO ^-^ My first thank you is completely irrelevant to this imagines series. Thank you for writing amazing stories :) It's always nice to know that there's good fiction to read on this site, and also to have something interesting to do when I'm bored- e.g. when I'm sitting on the train. That is the dreariest thing ever :) Secondly, I want to thank you for popping in to vote and comment. They're precious~ ^-^ Thanks a bunch :) XOXO

@Edaline MY DEAREST TOOTHBRUSH!!! You're probably travelling somewhere in Tasmania, but this is for when you come back and read this XD THANK YOU SO MUCH, TOOTHBRUSH :) I thank you for the votes and the comments, truly, I thank you~ XOXO

@_ParkHaneul_ Hannneeeuuulll~ Can I call you that? Thanks very much for all the votes and comments, and for taking some of your time to read my collection of imagines! THANKS VERY MUCH, GIRL! XD XOXO

@KPOPLUV486 Doreen~~~ Thanks for the votes and requesting all the time :) It makes me feel nice that someone actually wants to read my works XD Thank you very muchas~

@SparklingBubbleTea Teehee~ Hi Chrissi :P Can I call you Chrissi? I THANK YOU MULTIPLE TIMES FOR STICKING TO THIS IMAGINE SERIES... without dropping it halfway through and saying, 'gosh what is this girl writing' XD I also appreciate your votes very much! THANKS~ XOXO

@wendikah Hey there Wendy! Thanks a lot for voting on this series! It's much appreciated~ <3

@cookievips Hiya~ Thanks a bunch for the ongoing support you've given this series of imagines with your votes! Thanks so much again!

@Xiu_My Thanks for voting heaps on this series, it always makes me smile when I see your profile pic appear in my notifications :) Thanks for the support! 

AND MANY THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING FOR THEIR OVERDOSES OF VOTES!!! THANKS: @Skyla2001, @love_kpop98, @hotcutelove, @iGot7GrowlinExo, @YoUrIcEpRiNcEsS, @AngelTabarak, @gayathritn, @ysblnacor, @CindyTan0820, @yangjulia1932, @amani_galaxy, @kookiesbae and @Berrayeyed


I shall update soon enough :) Thank you guys for having patience too! MERCI <3 ~Dancing

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