Epilogue pt.1

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                    December 23
Lauren's Pov
I can't believe today is the day I'm getting married to Matteo we wanted a Christmas wedding Im staying at a hotel with all the girls and even Alana's sister I asked her to be one of my bridesmaids Mia is the other and of course Alana is the maid of honor

I look at the clock and see we have 1 hour until the makeup artist comes and the stylist brings our dress I take a shower then get in my wedding robe I wake everyone up and they all got in the shower and bath we turn on a movie and order some room service for breakfast the makeup artist comes and she does my hair in loose curls and adds a piece to my hair she then moves to Alana's hair while Alana's doing Crystals hair since I have to get fitted to see if the dress fits or they need to alter it for my pregnant stomach

I can't wait to have the baby we decided to not find out the gender so we don't know until the baby's born which is in 3 months

"Lauren we need you to try on the dress now" Angel the stylist says I put on the dress and it's a little big and they see it and start tailoring it and then they ask me to take it off so they can finish I hear the hotel doorbell go off and I grab my robe and put it on

I hear a scream of Rose and know it's Hazel and Kai there parents couldn't drop them off at the wedding so we said they could drop them off here and they can ride with us to the wedding where they're performing a dance that I haven't seen yet whenever I ask and every time say it's a big secret so I stopped asking but I really want to know
"Hi Ren" Kai says he thinks Lauren is to long so he calls me ten know
"Hi are you guys ready" I ask them and they look ready they have there dance outfit on I know that since Rose is going to change into a dress matching Hazels after she's done being Flower girl
"You look really pretty Lauren" Hazel says
"Thank you"I say then get called in to try on the dress again
I try it on and it fits perfectly I call Alana in and she comes carrying a sleeping Crystal
"Oh my gosh she look perfect the dress looks even better then when we were in the store" I see her eyes start to water
"Don't cry because I got my makeup done and if you cry I'm going to cry it's just not going to be pretty" I tell her

"I just feel like I'm giving up my child I've known you since you were born"

"Ok you were born a month before me we get it" I tell her

"No let me finish sometimes I do want to kill you but I love you more than that so I don't kill you" An alarm interiors her
"It looks like it's time to head to the building love"Alana says we get in the carriage after I change out of the dress the stylist is bringing it there so I don't mess it up

We all get in the carriage to ride there and there's more room then I thought there would be in the carriage we all have a place and extra room When we get there we all go into the back room and change into our dress while we have Hazel and Kai go...

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We all get in the carriage to ride there and there's more room then I thought there would be in the carriage we all have a place and extra room
When we get there we all go into the back room and change into our dress while we have Hazel and Kai go sit in the front row since that's where they wanted to sit
We get Rose and Crystal changed into there matching blue dress since there both flows girls

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