33:The meet up

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Unknowns Pov:
I can see my precious baby Rose practicing a dance in her room she looked happy but I knew she truly wasn't happy she misses me

Matteo's POV:
I don't know who but someone has been watching Rose I debated on telling my brothers but the deserve to know so we can all keep our little sister safe and happy I think it may be best if she goes and stays with them but she just started school so I don't know how that would work

I'm driving to meet them know in our secret place we found when we first moved to New York it's about 20 mins away I get a text it's the twins telling me their already at the place I text them that I'm 10 mins away because I'm going to take all the shortcuts I can when I get their they look like their having a heated talk

"Hello" I say breaking them out their argument
"This must be important because you never have us come here for nothing so tell us" Leonardo says looking at me straight in the eyes
"Yea what is it" Romeo says
"Well..."I said
"Well what" Romeo day looking annoyed
"Ok dang I think someone's following Rose"I say looking at Romeo seeing what he was going to do
"WHO"Romeo yells
"You need to calm down and don't you think I would've said if I knew"I said
He looked like he was about to kill someone
"I think Rose should stay with us and she needs a bodyguard" Leo says
"So know you don't think I can take care of her" I say faking like I was mad
"No of course you can take of her" he says
"Yes but she needs to stay in that prestigious school she got into and we need to keep this as normal as possible" Romeo says
"We also need to find out who it is because you must have been like this for a while since you told us" he tells me ignoring Leo so something must have really happened between them
"She can't stay with me..." Leo says before getting interrupted by Romeo
"Of course she can't because your little wife doesn't like Rose"
"Since when" I asked because she usually is friendly with Rose
"Since she said that Lauren was her sister not Mia" Romeo said looking mad
"So you can't take care of your sister because your wife doesn't like that she doesn't see her as a sister"I say confused but it all clicks this must have been happening awhile because whenever Rose wanted to spend time with him and Raine he would say no even though I knew they were doing nothing

"Well I guess thats settled I'll find a bodyguard for her and get her room cleaned"Romeo says
"What do you want me to do" Leo says Romeo just walks ignoring him
"I don't know I guess you can use your tech skills and try to look at who's been following her"I tell him "But I have to go"
I get in my car when I get a call from Alana
"Can you tell Lauren to let me dye her hair" I hear her say when I answer the phone Lauren has been saying she wants to dye her hair blonde
"Can she hear me?" I ask
"Don't let her dye your hair" I say hearing her laugh she did this fake dye on The girls hair and it came out terrible but it washed out in two days
I hear the end dial and I know she hung up on me I laugh at that

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