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Alana's Pov
Looking at Lauren and Crystal I remember when we to Walmart and got the test she couldn't look so I pulled it and looked at it she was pregnant she breakdown crying in my arms I held her in my arms until she stopped crying
"My parents are going to kick me out" was the first thing she said
"You can come live with me and my mom she already loves you like a daughter"I said bringing her to her bed she fell asleep
I took the test and put it in her hand her hand tightened around it *
Alana I heard someone I look up and see Romeo about to get out the car
"I have to stay with her I'll call you" I told him his face flashed something but it was gone as fast as it came
"Who said you could stay at my house"I hear Matteo say
"Who said that you and my best friend could live together" He rolled his eyes
I know Lauren's going to be overly extra today today
"I know you saw his face when you said your staying I don't get why you didn't just go"I hear Lauren say scaring me
"Nobody is as important to me as you are h*e"
"I love you" she says grabbing my hand and holding it and squeezing
"I swear if you break my hand I will choke you and take Crystal as mine Rat"
"I know we're not talking about rats you remem-" I put my hand quickly over her mouth we don't need to bring that up
"You lucky he left cuz I would've told that story"
"I want to hear"Matteo says
"Shut up Roach no body cares what you have to say"I say ever since the first day meeting him this is our relationship but it's all fun and games
"Whatever crybaby" he says then Lauren hits him in the arm "I know you heard all things she called me"
"But that's my best friend don't talk about her" she says moving to sit on me when we notice that we have three kids in this car
"Dang you guys watching her tonite"I say looking at Raine I take a picture of Crystal and Bria cuddling
"I thought Rosie And Raine Where supposed to do with them"Lauren says
"No they wanted to spend the week with her so we're watching Rosie for today and tomorrow"Matteo said "And watch Alana I guess"
"Your not watching me I'm grown"
"Sureeee"He says
"I'm older then your "roomate"I say
"By 34 hours"of course she now the exact amount of hours I'm older then her
"A lot can happen in two days"I said

We finally arrive at there house I take Bria
"She can sleep in Crystals room" Lauren says
"Duh where else is my baby going to sleep"I say entering there house using my thumb print
"Why did we let her have her thumb print"Matteo says
"Cuz u love me and hurry up or your gonna have to wait"I say pressing the elevator button
"Ala"Bre says
"Yes baby"
"I'm tried"she says laying her head on my shoulder I haven't seen her in a while she went to Cali with her mom
"Ok go to sleep" I say just as they get in with Raine still in her car seat we go to Crystals room and put them both on her bed she pulled me into one of the guest rooms after she yelled good night to Matteo

Lauren's Pov
This is the second year showing that she really is my best friend her, her mom and sister helped me when I needed but she did the most being there when I needed her most when I was delivering Crystal
"You know how much I love you right"I said
"Yes i love you to the moon and back" she says laying down on my shoulder
"I have something to tell you"she says
"And this is the perfect day 2 years ago you broke my hand and our promise but it can be fulfilled now" I laugh she's talking about when we were 8 and we were going to have our kids at the same time
"What do you mean we're not pregnant wait" I look at her and she nods I hug her as tight as possible
"I'm scared" she says looking at me
"Baby it's ok I'm here I'll always be here" and she breaks down
"What I'm a terrible mom what if I'm like him"she says referring to her dad
"Your nothing like him do you see how your with Crystal and Bre your amazing and they love you so much do you not see there love for you cuz I do"I say
"But there not my kids this is going to be my kid but can you do it with me to be sure"she says just like I did scared "yes I'm right here I promise but we don't have any" then this crazy girl pulls out two test out her purse
"Ok then you first"I say to her
After she says done I go in and do the same thing then she comes in and opens the door we switch and sit them down and hug each other I start to cry thinking three years ago we were in this same position we were almost 17 and she was holding me
"I love you and thats was a while a go look at the princess you have now she's so cute and the nicest Princess i know"
"Alright let's look" I say rubbing my eyes
"You're pregnant"we say at the same time
She starts crying
"It's true I have to stay here I can't see him"she says with me holding her

Lauren's Pov This is the second year showing that she really is my best friend her, her mom and sister helped me when I needed but she did the most being there when I needed her most when I was delivering Crystal "You know how much I love you righ...

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