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Lauren's Pov
          Crystal wakes up before me slapping my face then I see Alana standing there looking at Crystal
"You put my angel up to this didn't you"I said
"No Crystal wanted to do this" she tries to explain I look at Crystal and she looks at me innocently with her green eyes sparkling even brighter
"You tried to blame this on an innocent baby" I say
I hear Crystal yell " i am not baby" right next to my ear
"Come sit so what happened with you and Mr.Hottie" I ask
She blushes "His name is Romeo" I died laughing and Crystal laughs to
"Aww it's Romeo and Alana so what happened" I asked
"Well he took me to his house and we had drinks I got to know him really well we talked all night then he drove me here so I spent the night I was going to tell you but u looked so peaceful sleep"she said
"Ok so I made a bet with Matteo that I could make him more jealous then he can make me but the funniest thing is i don't like him" I tell her
"Well let's have some fun today then since i don't have anything to do"she says
"Sure Crystal where do you want to go" I ask my angel
"I want to go to the water park"I say
I go on my phone and see a new text from an unknown number
"Hey babe what ya doing today -Matteo"
I text back "Crystal wants to go to the water park do you want to come"
"Sure" he texts back immediately
Alana goes to her room since she's always here she has her own room with most of the stuff she'll need to go somewhere

I decide to just take a shower with Crystal so it'll be faster after I finish i wash her hair and comb it out then just leave it down and put her in her water diaper then I do my hair in a French braid I let Crystal pick my swimsuit then I put it on and of course she choose my sunflower one

I decide to just take a shower with Crystal so it'll be faster after I finish i wash her hair and comb it out then just leave it down and put her in her water diaper then I do my hair in a French braid I let Crystal pick my swimsuit then I put it ...

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I take her to her room and lay out three different swimsuits she can wear she chooses the the blue floral bikini

I take her to her room and lay out three different swimsuits she can wear she chooses the the blue floral bikini

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We walk out and see Alana is ready in a gorgeous black swimsuit

I invited "Romeo to come"she says as I put on a random crop top with some shorts and put on my ugg slides I give Crystal her swimsuit coverup dress I see Alana steal some one of my crop tops and a pair of black shorts I hear a doorbell and open it...

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I invited "Romeo to come"she says as I put on a random crop top with some shorts and put on my ugg slides I give Crystal her swimsuit coverup dress
I see Alana steal some one of my crop tops and a pair of black shorts
I hear a doorbell and open it to see Lorenzo but he doesn't look like Lorenzo he sees my confusion and says "I'm Romeo I bet you thought I was Lorenzo at first" I laugh and say "yes come in Alana's getting ready" then Crystal comes out teary eyed "Auntie won't let me have ice cream" she says I pick her up and hear the doorbell again this time it's Matteo he sees Crystal and takes her out of my arms "what's wrong princess" he ask walking into the living room "Alana won't let me have ice cream" she says
"Matteo what are you doing here" Romeo ask
"I'm going to the water park with them baby brother" he says
Alana choses that time to walk out looking better in my clothes then me
"We're all here we can leave in a minute let me get Crystals bag ready" I say
I put all her things in her bag then come to the living room to see that Crystals telling a story and has everyone's attention "alright let's go" we all decide to go in Matteo's car since he got a car seat for Crystal I sit in the front and Dj for us then Crystal decides to start another story so I turn it down and we all listen to her about an hour into the ride Crystal complains that she's hungry so we all go to this cute diner and get something to eat me and Crystal share a strawberry pancake mountain we all have light conversation and i see that Alana and Romeo are really close then I see this waiter around my age wink at me probably thinking Crystals my sister and I remember the bet I ask for the bill since I want to pay and see his number on it so I make it a contact then show it to Matteo to see how mad he gets

He gets Angry and me and Alana die laughing along with my baby Crystal and then he figures it out and says
"I'll give you that one but I'll come back 10 times harder"
I look at Romeo and he looks so confused I see Alana whisper to him about the bet
I think of a Plan and text Alana it she says yes then let's Romeo Read it and he looks at me with a smirk and nods Matteo doesn't notice this because his full undivided attention is on my baby.

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