29. Do you dare?

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We drove through the pitch-black night back to the camp. I stared out of the window, letting my mind wander. The rain calmly pattering on the front screen and the wush-wush of the sliders when wiping them away, was the only sound in the car. The silence between us felt awkward and the tension was almost unbearable. I didn't know what to say. I dared to steel a peek at Bones. The moon hit the left side of his face, throwing shadows over the side closest to me. He was so freakin' handsome. My heart went all weird again, my body reacted alien by even looking at him.

The car journey stretched on for what seemed like an eternity. I felt him glance over at me a few times, making me even more nervous than I already was. Finally, he broke the silence: 'Thank you.'

I raised up an eyebrow.

'For helping me complete the dare.'

'No problem at all,' I scoffed. The truth was that I'd liked sneaking around, being on this adventure together and I really, really, liked being with Bones. I couldn't stop myself from peeking occasionally through the screen of my hair.

'Much better than the camp, right?' His face twisted up in a perfect crooked smile.

'Anything is better than the camp,' I proclaimed.

'O, you'll be fine,' he said and smiled while putting his hand on my thigh. I jumped aside from the electricity shooting through me, Bones sucked a breath between his teeth. He pulled his hand back as if he had burned it. 'I didn't mean too...' He smothered a curse.

'It's fine,' I said softly.

Bones clenched his jaws and raised his dark brown eyebrow. The electricity returned instantly.

'I meant it is...' I stopped when he touched my thigh again. I lowered my gaze and stared at his hand, but did not make any attempt to have it removed.

He smiled at me and it was a warm, friendly smile. Fire crackled under my skin, there were his hand was touching it. I just stared out of the window, hoping that the exciting feeling would dissipate. My cheeks were burning, my breath was shallow.

He blew out a small breath before removing his hand and placing it on the steering wheel again, his knuckles white by squeezing the wheel so hard. 'How about I add you to the dare app?' he suddenly said. 'Just to make life more bearable at the camp.' He winked at me.

'I couldn't do the things you guys are doing.' I took a deep breath to have the last bit of emotions dissolved. I was so glad that he had removed his hand.

'Then we'll make our own?'

I took a quick opportunity to study his face.

'I just want your phone number,' he said with a grin.

I laughed back at him. The magic between us was gone and I welcomed the laughter that eased the tension.

'Let's do the dare.' I shrugged nervously. 'More action would definitely help me to survive the coming weeks.' I played with a thread at my shirt. 'And I would like for us to stay in touch.'

He raised his eyebrows playfully before he agreed. 'Okay then, hodgepodge. Each morning I will send you a dare. You will send me mine.' He looked over me with hooded eyes and a light smile. 'Before midnight the dare must be done.'

'What if we fail?' I asked mockingly.

'If we fail...' He stared at the empty road in front of us. 'If I fail, I will take you out on a date to the most expensive restaurant in town.'

'Let me guess, there is just one restaurant, right?' I grinned.

He laughed and his laugh was as warm and dark as his voice. 'No, hodgepodge, there are more.' His eyes met mine and turned serious. 'What will be your dare?'

'I will skinny dip with you in the lake at night.' Did I really say that? I flushed, pressing my lips to a thin line. 'No, wait...'

'You're on,' he said before I could change my mind.

I could hear his breathen quicken.

'No sex, no nude, no violence,' I reacted. 'I don't want to send any pictures that you can hold against me.'

'You're on.' He stretched out his hand.

I shook it, surprised by the fact that I actually agreed to this madness.

Bones smiled at me, his mouth curling up to one side which made his dimples more prominent and making my heart simply melt.

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