ch. XXVII -- I remember when we used to be so close.

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Another morning where Sophie woke up in a bed that was not hers. Artemis was sleeping at the end of the bed, once in a while opening her brown eyes to check on girl and glance at her owner. It was one of those mornings where Sophie wasn't sure if she had done the right thing. Another morning where she woke up in Julian's bed. Another morning where she was wrapped in his sheets, his smell.

Letting her hand slide over the right side of the bed, she was met with emptiness. Sheets still held some warmth, but the owner of the side was missing. Sitting up and covering her bare chest, Sophie looked around the room. Artemis looked up, yawned and then let her head rest on her paws.

"Go back to bed." Came voice from somewhere in the still dim room.

"You're leaving?" Sophie asked. This had become a fairly constant thing in their routine. She would wake up, Julian missing or getting ready to go, leaving her alone. Reaching over to her bedside lamp, she rubbed her eyes to take a better look at him. He was already dressed in his suit, missing only the jacket, tie still hanging loosely around his neck and first couple of buttons undone to his shirt.

"What time is it?" Sophie whispered, looking down at the floor right next to bed, reaching for her robe.

And walking to her side of the bed while buttoning shirts cuffs, Julian stood next to her. Gently reaching for the robe in her hands, he pulled it out of her grasp.

"Go back to bed. You need sleep." Julian sighed. He had noticed that the closer came the date of Eggsy's and Tilde's wedding, the less sleep Sophie was getting.

"No, no. I'll just go do some stuff in office, need to trace sketches..." Sophie said through yawn.

"No, you don't." Julian sat beside her, knowing that she wasn't behind her schedule. At night her mind seemed to be in different place, and Julian wondered if she thought about someone else besides himself. With kind heart Julian let her in his bed, but that same kind heart of his wasn't sure if she was his. He wasn't sure if those words that night were true, he wasn't sure that he was the man that girl thought about at night. And maybe that kind heart that desperately wanted to self-preserve, hadn't let him say the same words to her.

"Please, go back to bed, sweetheart." Julian pleaded quietly, searching her eyes. Sophie sighed and let her forehead fall against Julian's shoulder.

At start when this thing, this relationship started between him and Sophie, Julian had seen improvement in her. He saw improvement in her happiness, that had made him wonder if that was her real self, that care-free girl that liked to laugh, and gave smiles to everyone. But that date that was marked in invitation that she had buried deep in the drawer, seemed to take everything away from her once again.

"I don't think I can sleep anymore, Julian." She mumbled in his shirt, her voice giving away to her tired state. Planting a soft kiss to her hair, Julian grabbed her gently by the shoulders and laid her back in the pillows.

"Sleep." Julian repeated. Ushering Artemis closer to the girl, he took her hand and left a sweet kiss on it.

"We're still going together?" Sophie asked, her eyes closed as one of her hands rested on the back of Artemis and other one was held by Julian.

"Tomorrow?" she specified in half-whisper.

"Yes." Julian answered in same manner. Part of him thought about what will happen tomorrow, when she will have to watch how the love of her life marries another woman.

"I'll leave you two." Julian said letting go of her hand and standing up.


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