Save file:New game

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???:Ah! Huh?

??? POV

Huh wait wah..?

I'm looking at a white void and a blue screen is in my face.

Uh... what is happening?

Crongragulations! you have been selected to be given the power of the gamer.

Wait gamer? What's that? Actually... how did I get here? why cant I remember?




oh no!

What's wrong?!

I cant remember who I am! or how i got here?! i cant remember my name.

Oh your name is marcel D. Cleveland.


Thanks system. Wish I could remember anything else.

You are quite welcome now to explain the gamer. it allows you to experience life like a game in real life.

Marcel:Oh that's cool!

I know right?! You and 10 others have been selected as participate in this... experiment that the higher ups of mind have come together on bringing talented gamers from earth and send them to diffrent worlds and see what they would do with the gamer ability.

Marcel:Wait other worlds? That means the multiverse theory..!

Is real and so is anime and all that stuff.

Marcel:Ahhhhhh! Yes! this is a boys dream to go on an adventure like this.

I'm glad you like this. a few of the higher ups thought that you being still young would be terrified of this.

Marcel:Why would I be terrified of this?! this is gonna be awesome! so, what do I do now?

Well first we will start you out in a Tutorial world, where you can get your bearings. Then When your finished with the tutorial then you just get in touch with me and we can continue from there.

Marcel:Oh man this is gonna be so fun. so where is the Tutorial world gonna be at?

In the world of heroes and villains...

Hero acadamia

Marcel has fainted.



Are you sure they are up for this?

A voice says

I'm sure they are. some of them come from troubled past and the rest have been lonely and one of them is an enigma

A high pitch feminine voice says.

That last part worries me though. That little one, I cant see his future clearly. As if its changing.

A deep voice says.

That's why we gave them each a system so that we can watch them. everything will be fine. it worked out with the last group.

Define worked out, says the deep voice.

A portal opens up and out walks a boy and he is in a forest and a lake is in front of him. he looks at his reflection and sees that he is only 6 years old, and with white hair and a red and black sleeveless shirt and black shorts.

(His eyes are black)

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(His eyes are black)

Marcel:Whoa I look cool with white hair. Also loving the look for now. gonna upgrade to.a rocking hoodie and hat.

Welcome to the tutorial world. before we begin please enter your Player name.

Marcel:Player name? like a gamer tag?


Marcel:Okay. How about... Kidblaze! The Hero of Courage!




Name is close to the name Honõ.

waiting for approval...


Approval accepted

Marcel:Hey what was that?

I had to get permission from the one who has a similar name if you could use it.

Marcel:Oh okay.

Now let's begin the tuturial!

Tales of gamers:Gaming adventure into the multiverseWhere stories live. Discover now