Seeing Spirits

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Cougar always assumed she would get to train with her brother and her best friend in the wilds of ForestClan territory

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Cougar always assumed she would get to train with her brother and her best friend in the wilds of ForestClan territory. But when Deer Star makes her the apprentice of the spirit cat, she finds her whole life changing. She keeps seeing things that no other cat sees, not even her mentor, the current spirit cat. And then they start speaking.

"From stars to earth and water to sky, the Clans will be given a chance to fly. But they will fall, and through it all, only a few cats will be able to rise."

Cougar keeps getting ominous omens and prophecies about a coming danger. A danger that she doesn't know how to fix. It will take more than herself to fix it, but Cougar doesn't know who to trust. How can she stop the oncoming doom?

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