I waste no time thinking and twist my torso to grab his baring arms, then raise my arms up and over my head quickly and duck so he flies easily over me.
I still am holding his arms, so when the rest of the people come for me, Tough Aanga included, I swing him around low to the ground and knock two girls off their feet, and another guy gets kicked in the head from the first guy flailing.
Half of them are on the floor trying to recover, and when one of the rest jumps on top of me howling.
I hear Hiro and Tadashi yelling from far away for them to stop, but I don't back down that easily.

I crouch down into a ball then explode outwards, extending my arms and legs as far as I can get them and consequently slapping a girl in her face and getting a foot into someone's stomach with a satisfying yelp. I start spinning fast as a bullet and fashion my hands into blades and jump to hit a couple people's throats, causing them to reel back and try to catch their breath.
I spot a last person and advance towards her as she does the same to me, and then as she gets to me I duck and grab one of her ankles and yank, tipping her to the ground and knocking her skull on the hard concrete. Nothing cracks, but as she falls I also fall forward.

With a thump I end up on the ground and I turn my head to see Tough Aanga pinning me down with her strong hands on my waist so I can't move my torso. I kick up my legs frantically, disregarding any techniques as I try to do anything to harm her or loosen her grip, and after a few quick moments of her trying to catch my lightning fast matchstick legs I kick her where it hurts most - her vagina. Yes, I've taken too many shots there in my time to know that you don't need balls to feel pain.

She immediately cups her crotch for aid and I take the chance to push my core until she slides off my back and I spring up. I take no prisoners and finish her off with a headache-inducing elbow to her head, letting her fall to the floor and finally rendering her unconscious.

I hear nothing, nobody else coming for me. I turn to the rest of her crew and they're a mixture of unconscious and scared out of their minds, staring at me, then to Aanga, then back again. With a frown on my face I crack my knuckles, and they visibly shrink back, indicating they won't be coming after me or my friends again.
I look across to the entrance of the tunnel where Tadashi and Hiro are staring with their mouths open dumbly. I go over to them and lean down to look into Hiro's eyes, seeing if I can recognise a concussion.

"Tadashi, do you know the signs of a concussion?"

"What the fuck?!" Tadashi shouts in bewilderment, the curse word echoing round the tunnel making Hiro and I stare shocked. He has never sworn in front of his brother before.
I frown. "Tadashi, that is no way to speak in front of Hiro," and he explodes.

"Cherry, that is no way to act in front of Hiro! I mean, look around you!"
He gestures to all the people standing or lying in the space, and I cross my arms defiantly.
"They were about to seriously harm Hiro! Wouldn't you have done the same?" I retort, and Tadashi rubs the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger, what he does when he really doesn't understand something.
"Look, Cherry, I get it, and I get that if you told them to back off they wouldn't listen so you'd have to do something, but that was... that was..."

"Amazing!" Hiro pipes up in awe and enjoyment, and I laugh and ruffle his out of control black hair whilst Tadashi sighs and rubs his nose bridge even more.
I pout mockingly, sticking my bottom lip out like a child.
"Aw, do you not like that your girlfriend can punch the living daylights out of strangers to help your baby brother? How awful. Anyway, whilst you ponder the moral highground I will check over Hiro. Is that okay, your Lordship?"
I don't bother waiting for an answer and instead kneel down and take the first aid box and open it. Tadashi walks over to the people I just kicked the asses of and they shrink back a little. As I apply antiseptic to Hiro's cuts and he winces I watch his older brother examine their cuts and bruises, and winces himself at Aanga's definite concussion. In defense I yell, "She deserved it after our history!"

I'm Not Giving Up On You [Tadashi Hamada X OC] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now